The Special Senses: The Ears 8 The Special Senses: The Ears
Multimedia Directory Slide 17 Middle Ear Animation Slide 20 The Ear Animation Slide 29 Otitis Media Video Slide 33 Audiology Video
Learning Objectives After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Define and spell the word parts used to create medical terms for the ears Identify the parts of the ears and describe their structure and function Define common medical terms used for the ears
Learning Objectives (cont.) After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Break down and define common medical terms used for symptoms, diseases, disorders, procedures, treatments, and devices for the ears
The Ears Sensory receptors Respond to mechanical vibrations, interpreted by brain as sound Respond to body movement by providing a sense of equilibrium and body position
Prefixes a-, an- = without, absence of hyper- = excessive, abnormally high, above para- = near, alongside, departure from normal
Combining Forms acou/o, acoust/o = hearing aud/o, audi/o = hearing aur/o = ear labyrinth/o = maze, inner ear laryng/o = voice box, larynx mast/o = breast myring/o = membrane, eardrum
Combining Forms (cont.) neur/o = nerve ot/o = ear presby/o = old age rhin/o = nose salping/o = tube staped/o = stirrup, stapes tympan/o = eardrum
Suffixes -acusis, -cusis = hearing condition -algia = pain -ectomy = surgical excision, removal -itis = inflammation -logist = one who studies -logy = study of -metry = measurement -oid = resembling
Suffixes (cont.) -oma = abnormal swelling, tumor -osis = condition of -otomy = cutting into, incision -plasty = surgical repair -rrhagia = bleeding, hemorrhage -rrhea = discharge (of fluid) -scope = viewing instrument -scopy = process of viewing
Anatomy and Physiology Each ear has three portions Outer: Auricles and external auditory canal Middle: Tympanic membrane (eardrum), and ossicles (small bones) in tympanic cavity Malleus (or hammer) Incus (or anvil) Stapes (or stirrup)
Anatomy and Physiology (cont.) Each ear has three portions Inner (the labyrinth) Cochlea Vestibule Semicircular canals
Figure 8.1 Anatomy of the ear
Outer Ear Auricles External auditory canal Collect sound waves and direct them to the external auditory canal External auditory canal Specialized glands secrete earwax (cerumen) Channels sound waves to the eardrum (entrance to the middle ear)
Middle Ear Consists of Tympanic membrane—eardrum Ossicles—series of small bones Tympanic cavity—receives distal opening of the eustachian tube, which begins at the throat
Figure 8.2 Tympanic membrane Source: Phototake NYC.
Click on the screenshot to view an animation on the middle ear. Middle Ear Animation Click on the screenshot to view an animation on the middle ear. Back to Directory
Inner Ear Consists of a series of winding, twisting channels within the temporal bone These channels are lined with a membrane and form three structures Cochlea Vestibule Semicircular canals
Word Roots aud, audi = hearing aur = ear labyrinth = maze, inner ear mast = breast tympan = eardrum
The animation may take a moment to begin playing. The Ear Animation Click on the screenshot to view an animation on the anatomy of the ear. The animation may take a moment to begin playing. Back to Directory
Symptoms and Signs Anacusis Hyperacusis Otalgia Otorrhagia Total hearing loss Hyperacusis Overly sensitive hearing Otalgia Pain in the ear, or earache Otorrhagia Bleeding, or hemorrhage, from the ear
Symptoms and Signs (cont.) Otorrhea Abnormal drainage from the ear Paracusis Partial loss or impaired hearing Tinnitus A ringing or buzzing sensation in the ears Vertigo A sensation of dizziness
Diseases and Disorders Acoustic neuroma A benign tumor that arises from the auditory nerve May cause hearing impairment Cerumen impaction Excessive buildup of earwax in the external auditory canal Labyrinthitis Inflammation of the labyrinth
Diseases and Disorders (cont.) Mastoiditis Inflammation of the mastoid process and associated tissues Meniere’s disease A chronic disease of the inner ear that includes dizziness and ringing in the ears Myringitis Inflammation of the eardrum Also called tympanitis
Figure 8.3 Myringitis Source: Professor Tony Wright, Institute of Laryngology and Otology/SPL/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Diseases and Disorders (cont.) Otitis externa Inflammation of the external auditory canal Otitis media Inflammation of the middle ear Otopathy Any disease of the ear
Figure 8.4 Otitis media
Figure 8.4 (continued) Otitis media Source: Janet Hayes/Medical Images, Inc.
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of otitis media. Otitis Media Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of otitis media. Back to Directory
Diseases and Disorders (cont.) Otosclerosis Abnormal formation of bone between the stapes and the oval window Causes a progressive loss of hearing Presbyacusis Hearing impairment that is associated with old age
Treatments, Procedures, and Devices Acoumetry A procedure that measures hearing using an instrument called an acoumeter Audiologist One who specializes in hearing disorders and treatment
Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.) Audiology The study of hearing disorders Audiometry A procedure that measures hearing using an audiometer A recording of the measurement is called an audiogram
Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of audiology. Audiology Video Click on the screenshot to view a video on the topic of audiology. Back to Directory
Figure 8.5 Audiometry Source: Merrill Education.
Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.) Labyrinthectomy Excision of the labyrinth from the temporal bone Mastoidectomy Excision of the mastoid process Mastoidotomy Incision into the mastoid process
Figure 8.6 Labyrinthectomy
Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.) Myringoplasty Surgical repair of the tympanic membrane Myringotomy Incision into the tympanic membrane, usually to release pus and relieve pressure in the middle ear Otology The medical field of ear disorders and treatment
Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.) Otorhinolaryngologist A physician who specializes in the treatment of ear, nose, and throat disorders Otorhinolaryngology The field of medicine that manages disorders of the ear, nose, and throat Otoscopy A visual examination of the ear using a handheld device called an otoscope
Figure 8.7 Otoscopy Source: Pearson Education
Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.) Stapedectomy Excision of the stapes Often performed to restore hearing and may involve replacement of the stapes with a prosthesis
Treatments, Procedures, and Devices (cont.) Tympanometry A procedure that evaluates tympanic membrane elasticity by measuring its movement with an instrument called a tympanometer Tympanoplasty Surgical repair of the tympanic membrane
Pharmaceuticals Antibiotic otic solutions Antiemetics Anti-inflammatory otics Cerumen emulsifiers
Abbreviations AD AS AU ENT EENT
Abbreviations (cont.) OM Oto TM
Classroom Response System Pretest
The combining form meaning a maze or inner ear is: labyrinth/o tympan/o myring/o aur/o
The combining form meaning a maze or inner ear is: labyrinth/o tympan/o myring/o aur/o
The combining form meaning ear is: mast/o ot/o staped/o aud/o
The combining form meaning ear is: mast/o ot/o staped/o aud/o
The suffix that means a hearing condition is: -acusis -itis -rrhagia -rrhea
The suffix that means a hearing condition is: -acusis -itis -rrhagia -rrhea
What part of the ear houses the hearing organ of Cor ti? semicircular canals cochlea vestibule cornea
What part of the ear houses the hearing organ of Cor ti? semicircular canals cochlea vestibule cornea
What auditory ossicle contacts the tympanic membrane? malleus incus stapes round window
What auditory ossicle contacts the tympanic membrane? malleus incus stapes round window
Classroom Response System Post-test
What term refers to inflammation of the ear? otorrhea otalgia otitis otosclerosia
What term refers to inflammation of the ear? otorrhea otalgia otitis otosclerosia
What term best describes a ringing in the ears? otalgia otitis otorrhea tinnitus
What term best describes a ringing in the ears? otalgia otitis otorrhea tinnitus
What term means partial hearing loss? otorrhea paracusis otalgia anacusis
What term means partial hearing loss? otorrhea paracusis otalgia anacusis
Inflammation of the inner ear is known as: mastoiditis otitis externa myringitis labyrinthitis
Inflammation of the inner ear is known as: mastoiditis otitis externa myringitis labyrinthitis
Hearing impairment resulting from old age is called: presbyopia presbyacusis otosclerosis otitis media
Hearing impairment resulting from old age is called: presbyopia presbyacusis otosclerosis otitis media
What is the study of hearing disorders called? audiology otology tympanometry optometry
What is the study of hearing disorders called? audiology otology tympanometry optometry