WHERE ARE WE GOING AND HOW DO WE GET THERE? A look at SWOT analysis and how it is used at HMP Isle of Wight
What is a SWOT analysis? Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Can help you to look beyond the day-to-day frustrations and plan for the future
Strengths What are your library’s strongest contribution to your prison? What does your library do or provide that no one else can in your prison? What do your users like best about your library?
Weaknesses In what areas does your library have fewer resources than you need? What needs improvement? What do your users wish you did better?
Opportunities What would you do if your library had sufficient resources? What is currently happening in the community or world that you would like to take advantage of for your library? How can your strengths create opportunities for your library?
Threats What is happening in the community or world that could have a negative impact on your library? What competition does your library face? What weaknesses leave you vulnerable to cuts or reductions in your service?
Build An Action Plan! How can you build on your strengths? How can you turn your weaknesses into strengths? How can you take advantage of your opportunities? How can you turn your threats into opportunities?
SWOT at HMP Isle of Wight At QIG, we are encouraged to update our SARs monthly as working documents. Our education provider’s area OLASS director suggested SWOT as a useful tool for smaller non-OLASS provision such as libraries. It can be tricky making non-OLASS provision fit into the main prison SAR as we don’t have learners.
The Activities Dashboard A large part of QIG is discussion of the Activities Dashboard; an “at a glance” guide to how the activities function is performing. The information from all Activities areas is summarised to ensure ease when monitoring the performance of the prison and in relation to each SLA. By using the dashboard it enables us to identify issues immediately and put in place relevant plans to overcome them. This also assists us in monitoring our compliance with the PSIs. The library SWOT and SAR feed into the Activities Dashboard.
HMP Isle of Wight, Albany Library SWOT Analysis Strengths weaknesses Central & Accessible Location Good, Stable Team of Staff Timetable Works Well With Regime Good Relationships With Other Departments Fair Access For Employed & Unemployed Reading Groups & Prison Reading Group Project Senior Citizens’ Groups Literacy & Numeracy Activities (Puzzles, Activity Packs, etc) Greeting Cards & Poetry Help Maintain Family Links Cell-Bound Disabled Service IHU Service Orderly Training Induction for Prisoners and Staff Prison staff Awareness of Timetable & Services Institutional Appearance Limited Space Tired Fittings Homemade, Awkward Counter Excessively Hot Temperature Leaking Walls External Signage Electrical & Cabling Issues Library Section on Education Needs Analysis Did Not Give The Data We Had Hoped For Stock Loss On Transfer, Discharge & Site-Site Moves Less flexibility in staffing hours Stock loss – HB 15 fire OPPORTUNITES THREATS Support For The Shannon Reading Plan Recruitment of Book Group Members Expansion of Orderly Training Promote Services & Timetable Build Links With More Departments & Staff Review & Build on Books on Prescription 6 Book Challenge in Collaboration with Education World Book Night Reduce Stock Loss One Prison, One Book Promote Library Services Within Re-Loaded Magazine Regime Closures (Meetings, Training Days) Wing Closures Competition for customers with other activity areas, gym, visits, etc Early/Late Movement To/From Activities Requirements of PSI Long Term Future Changes to the Regime – New Profile
Albany Library’s QIG Action Plan From SWOT Work with Education department to launch 6 Book Challenge in February 2015. Continually monitor access, the library timetable and staff rota. Implement new timetable and rota for new profile on 16th March 2015. Maureen Franklin to deliver Wheelchair Pushing course to library orderlies by end of April 2015. Review procedures for books on prescription with PMHCT Outreach team – complete by April 2015. Distribute World Book Night Books in April 2015. Distribute One Prison, One Book Quick Reads in April 2015. Annual Library Users’ Survey – May 2015. Consult with MPQL reps and Prison Council on Survey Results – June 2015. Liaise with The Shannon Reading Plan officer to support “Turning The Page” – June 2015 Write Albany, HMP Isle of Wight Prison Libraries Stock Policy in consultation with all interested parties. Distribute Christmas Activity Pack in December 2015. Promote awareness of the timetable and correct access arrangements to all staff. Continue to monitor stock to ensure it meets the needs of the population. Work with residence and reception to implement new procedures to minimise stock loss on discharge, transfer and site-site moves. Continue to build on links with other departments so that links survive staff movements. Find alternative ways of promoting the book groups to ensure we have a ready supply of new members. Continue to engage with HMPS, Isle Of Wight Council, staff and prisoners to embrace change and find new ways of working.
Your SWOT is a working document that should be updated as your service changes.
Group Work Identify some Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Group Work Turn your Weaknesses into Strengths Group Work Turn your Weaknesses into Strengths. Turn your Opportunities into Threats.