Bullying Freshmen Health
Bullying Defined An aggressive, intentional behavior meant to hurt or humiliate someone else. Bullying involves an imbalance of power and strength. Bully Target/Victim
Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is using the internet and other technology to bully students. Email, instant messaging, online diaries, picture cell phones, web logs or blogs make it easier and quicker for students to make threats, pass on rumors or ostracize their peers. Cyber bullying is no different then bullying in person –students who are victims still suffer from the same risks as those being bullied in person. Cyber Bullying
Girls and Common Bullying Tactics Indirect tactics to bully Nasty or dismissive looks Spreading gossip Manipulating friendships Excluding peers Teasing another about body and clothes.
Boys and Bullying Direct forms of bullying Hitting Pushing Shoving Taking peoples belongings Posting cruel pictures or messages about someone Teasing about sexual orientation, looks or speech Making threats: calls, emails, facebook
Bullying… Could you have been bullied into making your decision? Have you bullied someone into making a decision?
WHAT WOULD YOU DO… Think of a time when you have been bullied or have given into pressure…what did you do? Did you recognize at the time you were being bullied/pressured? If you had to make the same decision again, what would you do differently?
RECOGNIZING & RESPONDING Think of a time when you recognized someone else (friend, classmate or family member) being bullied/pressured. Did you recognize it at the time? What did you do? What would you do differently?
STANDING BY… Standing by and watching does not make you neutral… Standing by looks like you are siding with the bully…what are you communicating when you don’t speak up or get help?
Profile of a Bully More likely to: Get into fights and steal Vandalize Smoke/drink Drop out of school 60 % of boys identified as “bullies” in middle school had at least one criminal conviction by age 24 – three times the rate of non-bullies
4 “PRESSURE TRICKS” Rejection: Threatening to end a friendship or relationship. Who needs you, anyway? If you don’t want to drink with us, you can go home. Put Downs: Insulting someone to make him feel bad. You’re such a baby. You’re no fun. Reasoning: Telling the person why she should do something she’s not sure about. Your parents will never find out. It won’t hurt you. Unspoken pressure: A huddle of classmates talking and laughing in a tight group. Friends giving you a “look.”
Effects of Bullying Depression Anxiousness Low self-esteem Feel physically sick Poor academics…160,000 students stay home from school from fear of bullies. Consider attempting suicide
Extreme Cases: Killing peers for excluding and harassment. Columbine Virgina Tech Bridgewater High School Rutgers – Tyler Clemente Other Suicides and attempts
How can you resist peer pressure to do something that hurts you or someone else? Recognize when you are being manipulated. Keep your antenna up for signs that someone is trying to make you feel guilty for not going along with something. Listen to your conscience - the voice inside of you that talks you how you really feel about something. It’s almost never wrong. Talk to someone who is not involved in the situation. Will give you a clearer picture of what is going on. Think about what your parents would say or do or how they would feel if they new what you were doing. Imagining their reaction might be enough to stop you in your tracks. Consider the consequences. Ask yourself if it is worth the risks involved.
WHAT CAN YOU DO? Clearly tell the bully to stop. Stay in control and tell him exactly what you would like him to do. Use “I Statements”: “I don’t like it when you spread rumors about me and call me names.” Remember it is not your fault. No one deserves to be treated with disrespect, violence or cruelty. Don’t fight or insult back. You do not have to stoop to his level. Don’t avoid the activities that you enjoy. It is your right to be a part of any clubs or teams you like - no one should take that from you. TELL SOMEONE. This is not tattling or snitching - it is standing up for your right to be treated with respect.
VIDEOS Tyler Clementi http://www.nbcnews.com/id/21134540/vp/#48007257