Don’t Forget (Enciphered) Codes Chris Christensen Northern Kentucky University
World War I Zimmermann Telegram January 1917 SMS Magdeburg 1914
World War II JN-25 Pearl Harbor 7 December 1941 Battle of Midway 4 – 7 June 1942
Encipher False sum Addition modulo 10
Indicator: Page/row/column 101A 9 pages 27 rows 10 columns
Received Message
Decipher 317D
Messages in Depth
Depth Possible attacks Brute force determination of possible Additives. Differencing. Known Additives. Known plaintext.
Differencing (Codegroup 1 + Additive) (Codegroup 2 + Additive) Codegroup 1 – Codegroup 2
Differencing Minor difference 2329 e minus the 5554 - 3235
Difference Table
Additive Recovery 5554 + ? = 3486 3486 5554 8732
Text Substitution