Harvard Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory Site PI: Martha E. Shenton, Ph.D.
About the Psychiatry Neuroimaging Laboratory The PNL is a new laboratory established in 2005. Dr. Martha Shenton directs this laboratory and has worked closely with neuroradiologists, physicists, neuroscientists, and computer scientists over the past 18 years in studies investigating brain abnormalities in schizophrenia. She and her collaborators, including Dr. Ron Kikinis the PI of NA-MIC, were early pioneers for the kind of work being conducting through NA-MIC, though NA-MIC is at a much larger scale.
Information about PNL Contributors to NA-MIC James Levitt, M.D.: Associate Professor. Works in the area of striatal and thalmo-cortical abnormalities in schizophrenia. Work with Core 1 has involved striatal measures with GeorgiaTech and caudate measures with UNC. Marek Kubicki, M.D., Ph.D.: Assistant Professor, background in neuroradiology and physics. Involved in neuroimaging studies of schizophrenia and works on DTI and fMRI studies where he has been involved with Core 1 collaborators. Sylvain Bouix, Ph.D.: Instructor. Background in computer science. Point person for our site. Involved in most collaborations with Core 1, 2 and 5. Marc Niethammer, Ph.D.: Post-doctoral Fellow. Recently joined our group from Georgia Tech, and is now coordinating collaborations with UNC on shape analysis, and Georgia Tech on automated segmentation. Katharina Quintus, M.Eng.: Engineer. Involved in software tuning, testing and deployment as well as data management for our group. Mark Dreusicke, B.A.: Research Assistant. Involved in Diffusion MR imaging studies with MIT Core 1 collaborators, and in Core 5 training, as well as software testing for tools developed by Core 1. Adam Cohen, B.A.: Research Assistant. Involved in automated segmentation measures with MIT Core 1 collaborators, as well as in reproducibility studies, and Core 5 training. Laura Rosow, B.A.: Research Assistant. Involved in rule based segmentation with Georgia Tech Core 1 collaborators as well as Core 5 training.
How NAMIC Fits into Portfolio NAMIC constitutes a major effort at the PNL. Efforts involve Core 1 work with UNC, MIT, GeorgiaTech, and Utah, as well as work with the Engineering and Training Core. The PNL receives funding from the VA, from NIMH, and from private sources of funding. The NAMIC project is critical to the PNL as it has as its focus ongoing work with collaborators who are developing algorithms for DTI, for shape analyses, and for new fMRI algorithms to answer important questions in the area of schizophrenia research.