The Home Front and Wilson, War, and Peace Read pages 180-97 in textbook Type notes into the PowerPoint Define all the terms Do the internet searches and answer questions and insert images. When finished e-mail to:
Grade Type notes into the PowerPoint 75pts Define all the terms 17pts Do the internet searches and answer questions and insert images 9pts 101pts
The Home Front Insert two pictures that describe life in America during world War I H-SS 11.4.5- Analyze the political, economic, and social ramifications of World War I on the home front.
Why it Matters 1. 2.
America Mobilizes for War 1.
Building an Army 1 2 3 Selective Service-define
Constructing a War Economy 1 2 3 Bernard Baruch (buh ROOK)-define
Shaping Public Opinion 1 2 3 Committee on Public Information (CPI)-define
George Creel-define Insert two images that show George Creel and the Committee on Public Information (CPI)
Opposition and Its Consequences 1. 2.
Resistance to the Draft 1 2 3 Conscientious objectors-define
Women Work for Peace 1 2 3
The Government Cracks Down on Dissent 1 2 3 Espionage Act-define
Prejudice Against German Americans 1 2 3
The War Changes American Society 1
Women Embrace New Opportunities 1 2 3
African Americans Follow Opportunity North 1 2 3 Great Migration-Define
Insert a map that shows the Great Migration
Mexican Americans Move North 1 2 3
Wilson, War, and Peace Why it Matters 1 2
America Gives the Allies the Edge 1 2 3
Allied Convoys Protect Shipping 1 2 3 Convoy-define
Convoy of Ships during World War I Insert two images of Convoys during World War I
The Allies Struggle 1 2 3 Vladimir Lenin-define
Insert two images showing the Russian Revolution and Vladimir Lenin
American Troops Join the fight 1 2 3 John J. Pershing-define
American Troops Distinguih Themselves 1 2 3
The War Ends 1 2 3
Wilson Promotes Peace Without Victory 1 2 3
Fourteen Points-define Self-determination-define League of Nations-define Henry Cabot Lodge-define
Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference 1 2 Reparations-
Allied Leaders Reject Wilson’s Ideas 1 2
Allied Create a League of Nations 1 2
Problems with the Peace 1 2
America Rejects the Treaty 1
Wilson Faces Troubles at Home 1 2 3 4 “irreconcilables”-define “reservationists”-define
The Senate Rejects the Versailles Treaty 1 2 3