harissa Roasted vegetable 15th May 2017 Feast Meat balls served with a warm potato salad Moroccan lamb and apricot tagine served with date and herb cous cous **** Aubergine and sweet potato curry with steamed rice Braised fennel and herb frittata served with a roasted tomato salad Classic minestrone Cream of mushroom harissa Roasted vegetable Minted pea and ham Celery and apple Slow and low Jack Daniels and maple glazed ham cheese jerk wedges Quirky bird Chicken curry bunny chow Mango and pineapple salad **** **** Spiced vegetable samosa onion, coriander and tomato salad Gnocchi with torn mozzarella, pesto, spinach and roasted pine nuts Fish finger soda bread sandwich lemon mayonnaise and jacket wedges **** Spinach & Ricotta cannelloni with a garden salad