First Grade at Osceola Magnet An Exciting Adventure
Meet the Teacher Cindy Rodriguez Raised in N.J. Bachelors of Science from Rutgers College Nationally Board Certified Presently in U Of F Masters Program in Educational Technology Experience: 27 years Peace Corps Ecuador (2 years- LD resource rooms) Okeechobee-7 yrs-1st gr/4 yrs-K 1 yr.special education Vero Beach- Osceola:3 yrs-3rd grade/ 12th year-1st grade Personal: Daughters-Leah and Emma
Balanced Literacy Program Reading to Children Reading with Children Reading by Children Writing for Children Writing with Children Writing by Children
Balanced Reading Approach A balanced approach is organized around observations of the ways children learn to read.—Holdaway-1984 Modeled Reading and Writing The teacher reads aloud and creates opportunities to write to students daily. Shared Reading and Writing The teacher invites students to join in during the reading and writing process. Guided Reading and Writing Reading and writing strategies are practiced individually and in small groups. Independent Reading and Writing Students are provided daily opportunities to read independently and write on self-selected and prompted topics.
Alphabet Chart An all inclusive teaching tool. Phonics is one of the strategies to learn to read and write. To spell words phonetically…beginning sound,ending sound and medial vowels(in that order) The teacher refers to the chart constantly while sounding out and writing the letters. Transition- children can spell without the chart and individual spelling instruction will begin. The Editing process is done individually and allows me to praise the child’s efforts and show them how to do it even better the next time. Sight Words are taught throughout the year and their use in the students writing is encouraged.
Stages of Writing The Scribble Stage Isolated Letter Stage Transitional Stage Stylized Sentence Stage Writing Stage September examples- Lower Emergent- Emergent- Upper Emergent Children will write like the authors they read. The impact of reading will impact on the output of writing. Refer to D’Nealian letter formation descriptions.
Ways to Help Your Child With Reading at Home Good Readers Point to the words Look at the pictures Look at the word Think, “What fits?” Make a guess Check it-Does it make sense? Ways to Help Your Child With Reading at Home Setting the atmosphere Responding to Errors in Reading -wait time 5-10 seconds -focus on what your child is doing well—model what he needs to know *Sample levels of 1st grade books *Sight word list of 154 words
Everyday Math Stresses a cooperative learning environment(Children work as partners to solve problems, gather data, explore concepts and practice skills in game settings.) DO math all day—not as much paper and pencil. Fact power through games and flashcards Everyday Math supports the belief that children who are ”mathed” with learn mathematics Children share their math activities at home(Homelinks) See Family Letters at the beginning of each unit.
A Typical Day Reading Workshop Morning Meeting Word Work (Spelling, Sight Words, Vocabulary) Shared Reading Writing (Shared, Guided, and Individual) Literacy Centers and Guided Reading Lunch(11:40-12:10) Recess Math Special (split class) 1:20-2:05 Curriculum Wrap Up and Read Aloud
Sunshine Standards All the First grade activities are driven by the Sunshine State Standards . The Balanced Reading Program encompasses all the standards. The Everyday Math Program encompasses all the standards. ***Science and Social Studies is integrated into both of those programs so these activities consist of REAL LIFE PROJECTS that are meaningful to 1st grade children.
Home-School Communication Check Out My Day-DAILY (Please sign and return) Good Behavior is a CHOICE Things to Do- **Homework-++++ (Papers are handed out the day it is assigned in daily folder) **Parent Ideas -Sight word list for the week -Special notices -Curriculum Updates. Reading Calendars-records minutes read at home Report Cards Conferences 564-5857
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