Dissemination and awareness activities


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Presentation transcript:

Dissemination and awareness activities 8/24/2018

Dissemination objectives and strategies Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities Dissemination objectives and strategies to raise visibility of Share.TEC through workshops, presentations, information material and publications to create awareness of Share.TEC as a European system for teacher education and stimulate digital content use and reuse to activate Teacher Education networks in order to reach target audiences to interest content providers for collaboration to ensure sustainable and coordinated expansion of the system 8/24/2018

Dissemination activities Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities Dissemination activities Project workshop 1st workshop Venice – experts invited Activating user communities discussions with two sample communities in the Netherlands CENEC model for working with focus groups LIKA network project in Sweden- - ICT in teacher education E-start, network for promoting Digital Literacy in primary and lower secondary education Networking with content publishers: Learnify, repository of digital resources (representative participated in Dublin workshop) Europeana, Resource bank for 4.6 million digital items UR Access, Swedish Educ. Broadcasting Company learning objects 8/24/2018

First workshop, Venice, 21-24 of January 2009 Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities First workshop, Venice, 21-24 of January 2009 Objectives to involve international experts in a focused discussion of a teacher education ontology To collect feedback for the Share.TEC system, especially semantic, linguistic/cultural and technical interoperability Topics discussed Teacher education ontology and metadata modelling Multiculturalism from a functional point of view Highlighted user needs and behavior which led to valuable results that inspired the coming work with use cases Documentation Video interviews with the experts are available on the website 8/24/2018

Invited experts Venice Workshop Conor Galvin (University College Dublin, Ireland) Monique Grandbastien (Université Poincaré Nancy, France) Vittorio Midoro (ITD-CNR, Italy) Declan O´Sullivan (TCD, Ireland) Gilbert Paquette (LICEF, Télé-université Montreal, Canada) Maria Teresa Pazienza (Università Tor Vergata, Italy) Lampros Stergioulas (Brunel University, England) Claire Belisle (CNRS, France)

Activating networks of end-user communities Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities Activating networks of end-user communities Targeted European communities: ATEE, Association for Teacher Education in Europe (representatives participated in Dublin workshop) TNTEE, Thematic Network on Teacher Education ATE, Association of Teacher Educators NESSE, Network of Experts in Social Sciences of Education & Training TT-NET, Training of Trainers Network Trainers Peer Learning Cluster (part of the Knowledge System for Lifelong Learning) ETEN, European Teacher Education Network NTE, Network of Trainers in Europe Targeted International initiatives dedicated to Teacher Education and training: TEPE, Teacher Education Policy in Europe Network TISSNTE, Teacher Induction: Supporting the Supporters of Novice Teachers in Europe ENTEP, European Network on Teacher Education Policies EUROPROF, European Foreign Language Teacher Professional Profile and Portfolio SITE, Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 8/24/2018

Presentations-papers 20th World Computer Congress (WCC 08) ED-L2L Learning to Live in the Knowledge Society Italian Share.TEC Diss. Workshop & Study Day, Genova, Italy, 2008 Sie-L (Società Italiana E-Learning) Fifth Annual Congress, Trento, Italy, 2008 STC-ITD Workshop “Cognition, Learning and Technology”, Genova, Italy, 2008 8th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, Santander, Spain (ICALT 2008) “Stimulating Personal Development and Knowledge Sharing”, 5th TEN Competence Workshop, Sophia, Bulgaria, 2008 Decom 2008 Workshop “Digital Educational Content Marketplaces - A Generational Opportunity for Publishing”, Sestri Levante, Italy, 2008 Evalhida workshop on ICT-based competency evaluation (Ministry of Education), Cadiz, Spain, 2009 National OER project presentations, Stockholm, Sweden, 2009 “An Ontology-Based Approach for Sharing Digital Resources in Teacher Education”, 7th Int. Workshop on Ontologies and Semantic Web for E-Learning SWEL’09 @ AIED’09, United Kingdom, 2009 “Research at Sofia University: Digital Repositories”, Open Access: Maximizing Re-search Impact, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2009

Towards sustainability by user activities Share.TEC is continously defined by it´s use and usability Major project partners are Teacher Education departments who are contributing to and testing the system Project workshops with experts and knowledgable users Collaborating with content providers within education Focus groups CENEC model and performed by OUNL Aiming at user-oriented monitored sustainability

Share.TEC website http://www.share-tec.eu/ 8/24/2018 Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities Share.TEC website http://www.share-tec.eu/ 8/24/2018

Meeting documentation Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities Meeting documentation 8/24/2018

Video recordings 8/24/2018 Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities Video recordings 8/24/2018

Website statistics 8/24/2018 Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities Website statistics 8/24/2018

Venice video example Claire Belisle, CNRS, France, external evaluator Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities Venice video example Claire Belisle, CNRS, France, external evaluator Conor Galvin, University College Dublin, Ireland 8/24/2018

D7.5 Dissemination kit(start version) Lena Olsson, Erik Axdorph Dissemination and awareness activities D7.5 Dissemination kit(start version) Specially prepared kit with dissemination material to be distributed to the target group in order to raise awareness among potential end-users To be spread among partners for local dissemination and at international conferences and seminars Share.TEC flyer Share.TEC brochure Share.TEC Rollup Share.TEC PowerPoint presentation 8/24/2018

Core indicators – Year 1 Indicator Expected progress Result Participation in dissemination workshops 20 people participating 55 people participating Media and press citations - 3 articles Website hits 566 unique visitors User feedback 35 Dissemination kit 20% leaflet, brochure, kit folder, roll-up (EN) Reaching project objectives Multilingual support = “metadata model & vocabularies”