Seattle/Space Needle By: Austin W and Nick P
Facts of Seattle Mayor is Michael McGinn Unemployed is 148,700 1/6 of the population First gas station Most sunglasses sold Smiley face created
Places to go in Seattle Space Needle Columbia center (tallest building in Seattle) Pike Place market (one of the oldest continuously farmers market) The Seattle Waterfront (Seattle’s natural deep-water harbor)
Facts About the Space Needle The Space Needle is 605ft tall 502ft are above sea level The Sky City restaurant revolves at 500ft The Space needle sways about 1in per every 10mph of wind The elevator goes 10mph On a hot day the it expands 1in
Works Cited "Seattle,Wash." Info please. Pearson Education, n.d. Web. 7 Oct 2013. "Population and Demographics." City of Seattle, n.d. Web. 7 Oct 2013.