What we will do What we will learn 10C 30 Pipiri 2017 Quick quiz and preliminaries How to start well Revisit stopping distance using some practice questions Double the speed, four times the stopping distance Examine the effects of wet roads on driving. How to talk about the effects of water on braking distance and the changes needed to be made for safety Revisit acceleration and build the formulae: a=F/m and F=ma What the formulae represent Do some examples of a=F/m and F=ma How to USE the formulae.
HW item Skills practiced Bookmarking for electricity unit How our bookwork compares with expectations EOT test on electricity Friday 9 June 2017 pd 4 All of electricity
Total stopping distance (m) Speed (m/s) Speed (km/hr) Speed (mph) Thinking distance (m) Braking distance (m) Total stopping distance (m) 10 36 22.5 6 8 14 15 54 33.75 9 18 27 20 72 45 12 32 44 25 90 56.25 50 65 30 108 67.5
Questions: What is meant by the term “reaction time” when you are driving a car? Name two things that could increase a driver’s reaction time Name two things that could increase a car’s braking distance Distance=speedxtime. If going at 20 m/s and having a reaction time of 0.6 seconds, what is the thinking distance? Distance=speedxtime. If going at 25 m/s and having a reaction time of 0.6 seconds, what is the thinking distance? Why does the thinking distance go up if the driver’s reaction time stays the same? Build a paragraph about (Discuss) the effects of of wet weather on road safety. Include how wet weather changes braking distance and any recommendations for drivers to ensure safety in wet conditions.
Question 1 and its answer What is meant by the term “reaction time” when you are driving a car?
Question 1 and its answer What is meant by the term “reaction time” when you are driving a car?
Questions 2 and its answer Name two things that could increase a driver’s reaction time
Questions 2 and its answer Name two things that could increase a driver’s reaction time
Question 3 and its answer Name two things that could increase a car’s braking distance
Question 3 and its answer Name two things that could increase a car’s braking distance
Question 4 and its answer Distance=speedxtime. If going at 20 m/s and having a reaction time of 0.6 seconds, what is the thinking distance?
Question 4 and its answer Distance=speedxtime. If going at 20 m/s and having a reaction time of 0.6 seconds, what is the thinking distance?
Question 5 and its answer: Distance=speedxtime. If going at 25 m/s and having a reaction time of 0.6 seconds, what is the thinking distance?
Question 5 and its answer: Distance=speedxtime. If going at 25 m/s and having a reaction time of 0.6 seconds, what is the thinking distance?
Question 6 and its answer Why does the thinking distance go up if the driver’s reaction time stays the same?
Question 6 and its answer Why does the thinking distance go up if the driver’s reaction time stays the same?
Question 7 and its answer: Build a paragraph about (Discuss) the effects of of wet weather on road safety. Include how wet weather changes braking distance and any recommendations for drivers to ensure safety in wet conditions.
A 2kg lab trolley accelerates at 5 m/s2 A 2kg lab trolley accelerates at 5 m/s2. What force is needed to make this happen? A 600kg smart car is pushed with a force of 1200N. What is its acceleration? A 45000kg (45 tonne) Kenworth is also pushed with a force of 1200N. What it is its acceleration?
Peter Caughey’s jet boat has a mass of 800kg Peter Caughey’s jet boat has a mass of 800kg. The jet unit pushes it with a force of 12000N. What is the rate of acceleration? A 90kg reverse bungy jumper accelerates at 50 m/s2. What is the force from the bungy cords? An 20 000kg Hornet fighter plane is accelerated by a steam catapult at 20 m/s2. What is the force provided by the steam catapult?