WELCOME 28.11.2017 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 1 1
Information evening about English classes 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 2
Tonight’s schedule FISTA, enrollment, language test, general information Ulla Hiltunen, Principal, Finnish International School of Tampere Riikka Gummerus, Coordinator, Finnish International School of Tampere Pia Mikkola, Service Manager, City of Tampere Early Childhood Education and Basic Education 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 3
FINNISH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF TAMPERE (FISTA) 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 5
FISTA Finnish education in English, we follow the Finnish national curriculum Working culture is English, but some teaching is also done in Finnish FISTA is a part of the Finnish society Studying in a multicultural environment Increased opportunities to use IT in learning 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 6
FISTA Grades 1-9 1-4 first grade classes yearly Max number of students is 750 Renovation completed in autumn 2017 Two lines: bilingual line = kaksikielinen linja and international line = kansainvälinen linja Selecting the line after second and sixth grade 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 7
time allocation plan is the same International line = kansainvälinen linja All subjects except Finnish as a mother tongue and Finnish as a second language are taught in English Some vocabulary in other subjects (geography, biology, history) in Finnish Bilingual line = kaksikielinen linja Finnish as a mother tongue and Finnish as a second language are taught in Finnish In English: history, biology, geography (Finland-related topics in Finnish), English, optional languages, skills and arts other subjects in Finnish 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 8
Basic education time allocation plan 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 9
FINNISH LANGUAGE IN FISTA 3 to 6 lessons a week of Finnish as a mother tongue or Finnish as a second language. The culture of the school does not support Finnish studies National curriculum: acquiring everyday language skills usually takes 1 to 2 years and in-depth skills approx. 5 to 7 years in Finnish-medium schools, even longer here Multilingual families need to think about whether the child benefits from studying in English education or whether insufficient command of Finnish hampers enrollment in further studies. There are very limited options for further education in English language. 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 10
IMPORTANT Hard work – good motivation Studying in English classes is more demanding than in Finnish classes so if the child has any learning difficulties, it will probably be too hard for the child It is vitally important that the school is informed in advance about any possible learning difficulties or other problems If the child has a risk of a reading disability, learning to read simultaneously in Finnish and English is really hard, and will significantly slow down the child’s progress at school Commitment and support from the family is important Children spend more time on homework than in other schools because they study in two languages Parents responsible for taking the child to school, no free bus tickets 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 11
CLASSES BEGINNING IN AUGUST 2018 Students will be accepted based on their performance in the language test (including children immigrating from abroad) 1-4 classes 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 12
ENROLLMENT Children born in 2011 Application to FISTA takes place through the school web page Enrollment from January 2nd to January 21st 2018 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 13
UNDERAGE CHILDREN Children born in 2012 The student’s ability must be tested by a certified psychologist. The parents are responsible for having the child tested outside the public system. It is recommended that the psychologist is provided with a statement (evaluation) from the child’s preschool. The principal decides on admission based on the psychologist’s statement, child’s performance in language test and an optional statement from the child’s preschool - Finnish preschool programs include many features of primary education curricula The school psychologist will answer any further enquiries 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 14
TEST DATES Aptitude test will take place at FISTA 6.-7.2.2018. (Reserve day during week 7 in a case of sickness.) More information about the time and date of the test will be sent to applicants by letter 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 15
TO GET INTO FISTA The students are selected based on points scored in the test. The child has to score at least 60% of the test points. Obtaining the minimum number of points does not necessarily mean that the child will be accepted. 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 16
ABOUT THE TEST Remember: the test is always an exciting and stressful situation and the teachers giving the test are unfamiliar to the children. Please note that the child must follow instructions during the exam. Please tell your child to do as the teachers say You don’t have to prepare your child for the test. A letter of acceptance or refusal will be sent via mail to the child’s home address during week 9 at the latest. Orientation for new students and their guardians will take place in April 2018. 29.11.2017 FISTA English classes / Pia Mikkola 17
OPEN DAY In first grade classes on Tuesday January 16th 2018 at 11.15am–1pm parents only
FURTHER INQUIRIES Principal Ulla Hiltunen tel. 040 196 8513 email: ulla.hiltunen@tampere.fi Coordinator Riikka Gummerus tel. 050 406 5305 email: riikka.gummerus@tampere.fi koulut.tampere.fi/fista