“Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force” BHMC Pilot Training TRICARE Brian Smith “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
Obtaining Health Insurance The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly called the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare, requires all Americans to have health insurance. Aside from TRICARE, Reserve Component (RC) members may also seek health insurance through their employer (if offered), state exchange, or state Medicaid (if qualified). RC members should research all their health care options when making a decision on what may be best for them and their family. “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) DEERS is the key to TRICARE eligibility RC members are loaded in DEERS by their Service personnel office Family members are added to DEERS by their sponsor at any ID card office (DEERS RAPIDS site) DEERS must be updated whenever there is a change in family composition or residential/mailing address DEERS updates can be done: Through milConnect at http://milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil Calling 1-800-538-9552 Visiting a DEERS RAPIDS site “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
Duty Status of RC Members and TRICARE Options Inactive: RC member is performing Individual Duty Training, Annual Training, drill weekend, or on orders for 30 days or less TRICARE Reserve Select (TRS) (sponsor and family members) To purchase TRS coverage, RC members must be in the Selected Reserve and not eligible for, or enrolled in FEHB Pre-activated: RC member receives delayed-effective-date orders for active duty for more than 30 days in support of a contingency operation TRICARE Prime (sponsor MTF only and family members MTF or civilian Primary Care Manager (PCM)) TRICARE Prime Remote (family members only) TRICARE Standard/Extra (family members only) “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
Duty Status of RC Members and TRICARE Options (continued) Activated: RC member is on active duty (more than 30 days) TRICARE Prime (sponsor MTF only and family members MTF or civilian PCM) TRICARE Prime Remote (*family members only) TRICARE Standard/Extra (family members only) * Sponsor also if going to be stationed stateside in a remote location Deactivated: RC member comes off active duty Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) TRS Other health insurance (i.e. employer sponsored, state exchange) * Sponsor and family members for all these options under deactivation “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”
Informational Resources www.tricare.mil www.hnfs.com - North region contractor www.humanamilitary.com - South region contractor www.uhcmilitarywest.com - West region contractor www.tricare-overseas.com - Overseas contractor www.militaryonesource.mil www.dol.gov/vets/programs/userra/ “Medically Ready Force…Ready Medical Force”