Evolution of Populations Mrs. Williams Freshman Biology
Variation Inherited differences between individuals of a population Can be Physical characteristic Biochemical characteristic Behavioral characteristic If there is no variation for a trait, it is said to be fixed
Gene Pool All of genes found within a population Relative frequency of alleles- proportion of gene pool that the allele makes up
Sources of Variation Mutation Gene Shuffling Creates new variation by changing parts of the genetic code Gene Shuffling Creates new variation by the reshuffling of genes during sexual reproduction Chromosome segregation Crossing-over
Single Gene Traits Traits are coded for by a single gene If trait has simple Mendelian (dominant/recessive) inheritance, there are 2 phenotypes possible. If trait has incomplete dominance or codominance, there are 3 phenotypes possible. If trait has multiple alleles, # of phenotypes depends on # of alleles For example: ABO blood type have 3 alleles with 4 phenotypes possible
Natural Selection on Single Trait Genes Occurs if the phenotypes are not equal in their fitness Relative frequencies within the gene pool change as some phenotypes are selected for (or some are selected against) This is evolution (a change in allele frequencies within a population over time) Natural Selection Refresher
Polygenic Traits Trait is coded for by more than one gene Various phenotypes possible Phenotypes form a bell curve
Natural Selection of Polygenic Traits Directional Selection One phenotype extreme is selected for (or one against) Bell curve is shifted to the left or right
Natural Selection of Polygenic Traits (continued) Stabilizing Selection Both phenotype extremes are selected against (average phenotype is selected for) Bell curve narrows
Natural Selection of Polygenic Traits (continued) Disruptive Selection Average phenotype is selected against (extremes are selected for) Bell curve splits into two peaks
Genetic Drift Change in allelic frequencies due to random effects Effects are seen more in smaller populations
Genetic Drift: Bottleneck Effect Event randomly removes large numbers of individuals from a population Many variations can be lost
Genetic Drift: Founder Effect Small part of the population removes itself (or is removed) from the larger population
Genetic Equilibrium Allelic Frequencies remain the same Also referred to as “Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium” No evolution Random mating Large population No immigration or emigration No mutation No natural selection
Speciation Species - group of individuals that can breed together and produce a fertile offspring Speciation is the process of forming new species from existing species To occur: Populations of one species must be isolated from each other long enough to accumulate enough changes to become two species
Types of Isolation Geographical Isolation Populations are separated by a geographical barrier and cannot mate and share genes
Types of Isolation Behavioral Isolation Temporal Isolation Populations are separated by behavioral differences and don’t mate with each other to share genes Temporal Isolation Populations reproduce at different times so they cannot mate together and share genes
This leads to… Reproductive Isolation Cannot mate and produce a fertile offspring Occurs because individuals cannot Mate together or Create a zygote Create a viable offspring Create a fertile offspring