Islam C.10, s1-3
Introduction Islam founded in Arabia. Based on the teachings of Muhammad One who practices Islam is called a Muslim. Muslims follow the teachings of the Koran, (Qu’ran). The Koran is the written revelations from Allah (God) to Muhammad – through the angel Gabrielle The current Muslim population = est. 1 billion. Most common in Africa, the Middle East, and sections of South & Southeast Asia and Europe. There are 6 million Muslims in the United States alone. The world’s most populous Muslim nation is…?
The Koran / Qur’an Muslims believe Muhammad was the final prophet the Koran is thought to be the final and most perfect revelation of God. b/c Muhammad was the last prophet from God. This means that the words cannot change – but interpretation can * But does not discount the teachings of earlier prophets – such as Moses, Abraham & Jesus. Muslims view Jews as “the People of the Book” – (The Old Testament) and are supposed to be tolerated/respected
The Koran or Qu’ran The Koran is a record of the exact words revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to Muhammad. Scribes wrote down the words – as stated by the Prophet Muhammad. None of its 114 chapters has been changed over the centuries. It is THE primary source of Muslim faith and practice. It deals with: wisdom, beliefs, worship, and law. Provides guidelines for a just society and proper human relationships * In addition to the Koran, are Haddith – books of sayings, pronouncements, practices, laws,etc. attributed to Muhammad (the man) and the members of his family & the early community. These are merely guidelines, NOT scripture
Mosques Mosques = the main place of worship for all Muslims. The first mosque was the house of Muhammad, in Medina. In Islamic societies, mosques also serve as social and political centers, courts, schools, and assembly halls. Libraries, hospitals, and treasuries are often connected to the mosques.
The Five Pillars of Faith All Muslims must carry out five essential duties, called The Five Pillars of Faith.
1. Monotheism: A Muslim must acknowledge that "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet“ – called Shahadah "As sala'amu alaikum" (peace be upon you) reply is "walaikum as sala'am" (and unto you also, peace). Islam = “Submission” – submission to Allah – or Allah’s will
2. Prayer: Salat A Muslim must pray five times daily facing Mecca: at dawn- Fajr , at noon- Zuhr , in the mid-afternoon- Asr , at dusk- Magrib , and after dark- Isha . Muslims are called to prayer services by Muezzin – mosque official – sings the Adhan Friday evening prayer is the most important – most communal – mosque oriented Wudu – ritual cleansing before prayers
3. Zakat: Charity Alms to the poor A tax originally imposed by Muhammad (and later by Muslim states) on wealthy members of the community, to help the poor. In most Muslim states zakat has become voluntary, but it is still an essential religious duty. Every Muslim must give generously. Zakat literally means purification. Technically, it means a contribution of property for the use of the poor and the needy. 2.5% for Muslims (1% for non-muslims living in a Muslim land) *Essentially… (Accumulated wealth + Income) – (debts) = total x 2.5% = Zakat owed
4. Ramadan: A Muslim must fast for the month of Ramadan. During the fasting month, one must refrain from eating, drinking, smoking, and sexual relations from dawn until sunset.
Ramadan 2013 = 9 July – 7 Aug 2014 = JUNE 28TH – July 27th The ninth month of the Islamic year. Follows the lunar calendar, so “floats” year to year A month of fasting for all adult Muslims. According to the Koran, the fast was established so that believers could become more holy & mindful / thankful
5. The Hajj A pilgrimage to Mecca. Every adult Muslim who is physically and financially able must make this pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime.
Islam is both a religion & a way of life. Its teaching influence foods eaten, clothing, family & community relations, laws, ethical behavior, even art & architecture No alcohol, No Drugs, No Pork, No artistic representations of God or Muhammad Clothing = humility toward god