Middle East Religions Three religions were founded in the Middle East. 1. Islam 2. Judaism 3. Christianity
Islam The major religion in the Middle East. Founded by Muhammad. He had a revelation that he was named a prophet by Allah, or God. Qur’an (Koran) = Holy book of Islam (provides a set of rules to guide behavior.) Followers are called Muslims Monotheistic – Muslims believe in one god, Allah Allah = God
ISLAM Mecca : Holy City in Saudi Arabia. Muslims try to visit at least once in their lifetime. Hajj: An annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, and a religious duty for Muslims that should be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims. Muslims pray 5 times a day and face Mecca while they pray. Mosque: Where Muslims gather to pray (church) Common Holidays: Ramadan, Eid 5 Pillars
5 Pillars – major beliefs Proclaim belief in one God (Allah). Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca. Charity: share wealth with the poor. Fasting: No food or drink (sunrise to sunset) during month of Ramadan. Hajj – pilgrimage to Mecca once during lifetime.
Judaism The most ancient of the 3 major Middle Eastern religions. Judaism is a monotheistic religion; its followers worship one god. The followers are known as Jews or Hebrews.
Beginnings of Judaism Fonder: Abraham Covenant: a binding agreement. The Jewish people believe this covenant was made between God and Moses establishing God as the ruler of Heaven & Earth. This also made the Jew’s the chosen people of the Earth.
Beliefs Holy Book – The Torah Ten Commandment – religious and moral laws believed to be given to the Hebrew people by God Name of god – Yahweh Place of worship –Synagogue Symbol – Star of David Common Holidays – Hanukkah, Passover, Rosh Hashanah
Christianity Monotheistic worship 1 God The followers are known as Christians. They follow the teachings of Jesus Common holidays: Christmas & Easter
Beginnings of Christianity Founder: Jesus Christ Messiah: one anointed by God. The Jewish prophets predicted that a messiah would deliver the Jews from foreign rule and restore the kingdom of Israel. Parables – Jesus used parables, short stories with simple moral lessons to teach people to be kind to one another.
Beliefs Trinity, resurrection, Ten Commandments, Jesus & parables Holy Book: The Holy Bible Place of Worship: Church Symbol: Cross Martyrs – people who suffer or die for their beliefs.