Scott Bommarito Santosh Mohan Tommy Vo RideSmart Scott Bommarito Santosh Mohan Tommy Vo
Problems Texting or talking via phone are very common cause of vehicular accidents. It’s also against the law in 39 states. National Safety Council reports that annually, 1.6 millions car accidents are caused by using cell phones while driving. While the driver might be at fault, we think the real culprit are message notification or call ringtone, because they can greatly distract the driver.
Solution Intercept incoming calls/texts while you’re driving Block the call or warn user of answering it. Send an automated message saying you’re driving (including your current location) Provide a whitelist so you can answer important calls and not others.
Competitors DriveOff: Immediately blocks all calls/texts when phone detects you’re traveling more than 10 mph DriveScribe: Blocks calls/texts when it detect you’re moving, and also warns driver to slow down or speed up when going faster than the speed limit. Our Differentiation: We both block texts/calls, allow for a whitelist of numbers, as well as automatically text the caller/texter that we are driving as well as include our current location.
UI Mock Main screen contains settings menu Users tap checkbox to set setting on or off