Production and Consumption of Poultry Meat - Past, present and perspectives - Prof. Dr. Hans-Wilhelm Windhorst WING Universität Vechta September 4th, 2015 in Hamburg
Agenda: Dynamics of global meat production Production patterns in the EU Production patterns in Germany Perspectives for global poultry meat production and consumption
The dynamics of global egg and poultry meat production 1. The dynamics of global egg and poultry meat production
The dynamics of global meat and egg production between 1963 and 2013; data in 1,000 t Product 1963 2013 Increase (%) Beef 30,856 63,984 107.4 Pig meat 28,017 113,035 303.5 Poultry meat 9,749 108,669 1,014.7 Chicken meat 8,337 96,121 1,052.9 Turkey meat 842 5,465 549.0 Hen eggs 14,927 68,262 357.3 FAO 4
The development of chicken meat production by country development groups (1993 – 2013) Year LLDC LDC NIC OIC Total 1993 2003 2013 633 1,194 2,247 8,061 11,086 20,062 13,542 20,066 41,407 19,077 27,011 32,405 41,313 65,357 96,121 Increase (%) 255.0 148.8 205.8 69.9 132.9 Share (%) of global increase 2.9 21.9 50.8 24.3 100.0 LLDC = least developed countries LDC = developing countries NIC = threshold countries OIC = developed countries
The changing contribution of the country development groups to broiler production between 1993 and 2013 FAO
The spatial pattern of global broiler production (2013) FAO
The changing contribution of the country development groups to global chicken meat production between 1993 und 2013 FAO
The spatial pattern of global chicken meat production (2013) FAO
Share of global production (%) The ten leading countries in chicken meat production (2013); data in 1,000 t Country Production Share of global production (%) USA 17,397 18.1 China 13,372 13.9 Brazil 12,387 12.9 Russian Fed. 3,463 3.6 Mexico 2,808 2.9 India 2,328 2.4 Iran 1,956 2.0 Indonesia 1,838 1.9 Argentina 1,780 Turkey 1,758 1.8 10 countries 55,087 57.3 FAO 10
Share of global exports(%) The ten leading chicken meat exporting countries (2012); data in 1,000 t Country Exports Share of global exports(%) USA 3,597 28.5 Brazil 3,560 28.2 Netherlands 916 7.3 China 721 5.7 Belgium 442 3.5 France 380 3.0 Poland Argentina 329 2.6 Germany 322 Turkey 301 2.4 10 countries 10,948 86.7 FAO 11
Share (%) in world imports The ten leading chicken meat importing countries (2012) data in 1,000 t Country Imports Share (%) in world imports China 1,459 12.6 Saudi Arabia 743 6.4 Mexico 604 5.2 Viet Nam 516 4.5 Russian Fed. 498 4.3 Japan 425 4.7 Un. Arab Emir. 356 3.1 Un. Kingdom Iraq 353 Netherlands 341 2.9 10 countries 5,651 48.9 FAO 12
Summary of the main results of part 1: Poultry meat showed the highest growth rates of all animal products between 1993 and 2013. The highest absolute growth showed the ten threshold countries, the highest relative increase the least developed countries. The developed countries lost their leading position to the ten threshold countries. USA, China and Brazil contributed 44,9 % to global chicken meat production. USA and Brazil contributed 56.7 % to global chicken meat exports. The ten leading chicken meat importing countries shared 48.9 % of the global import volume.
Patterns of EU poultry meat production 2. Patterns of EU poultry meat production
Patterns of global broiler production Die zehn führenden Länder in der Erzeugung von Hühnerfleisch im Jahr 2013, Daten in 1.000 t MEG 15
The development of chicken and turkey meat production in the EU (27) between 1993 and 2013; in 1,000 t Year Chicken meat Turkey meat Production Index (1993 = 100) 1993 6,869 100 1,470 1995 7,387 108 1,725 117 1997 7,880 115 1,853 126 1999 8,140 119 1,873 127 2001 8,559 125 2,054 140 2003 8,479 123 1,881 128 2005 8,554 1,837 2007 8,756 1,674 114 2009 9,410 137 1,729 118 2011 9,894 144 1,745 2013 10,515 153 1,681 FAO
The eight leading countries in EU (27) chicken meat production in 2003 and 2013; in 1.000 t 2003 2013 Country Production Share (%) Un. Kingd. 1,295 15.3 Poland 1,517 14.4 Spain 1,185 14.0 1,443 13.7 France 1,133 13.4 1,172 11.1 Italy 683 8.1 1,120 10.7 637 7.5 Germany 951 9.0 549 6.5 Netherlands 921 8.8 535 6.3 905 8.6 Belgium 424 5.0 380 3.6 8 countries 6,441 76.0 7,409 70.5 EU total 8,479 100.0 10,515 FAO
Per capita consumption The development of the per capita consumption of broiler meat in the EU (27) between 2003 and 1013 Year Per capita consumption (kg/person and year) Index (1993 = 100) 2003 15.4 100 2005 16.5 107 2007 16.4 106 2009 17.1 111 2011 17.6 114 2013 17.8 116 MEG
Per capita consumption The per capita consumption of broiler meat in selected countries compared to the EU (27)(2013) Country Per capita consumption (kg/person and year) Index (EU = 100) Brazil 45.9 258 USA 42.7 240 Argentina 41.0 230 South Africa 33.3 187 Mexico 30.0 169 Russian Fed. 24.7 139 Japan 17.0 96 China 9.6 54 India 2.7 15 EU 17.8 100 MEG
Summary of the main results of part 2: In 2013, the EU (27) contributed 11 % to global chicken meat and 31 % to global turkey meat production. While broiler meat production increased continuously and was 50 % higher in 2013 than in 1993, turkey meat production has been stagnating since the middle of the last decade. The per capita consumption of broiler meat increased by 16 % between 1993 and 2013 and reached a value of 17.8 kg, the consumption of turkey meat has been stagnating and reached a value of 3.8 kg in 2013. The per capita consumption of broiler meat in the EU is much lower than in several countries in the Americas and in South Africa, but is much higher than in China and India.
Patterns of poultry meat production 3. Patterns of poultry meat production in Germany
The development of chicken and poultry meat production in Germany; data in 1,000 t (net production) Year Chicken meat Turkey meat Production Index (2003 = 100) 2003 498.5 100 352.4 2004 553.0 111 358.2 102 2005 571.5 115 349.0 99 2006 578.0 116 330.8 94 2007 657.0 132 332.0 2008 712.0 143 386.4 110 2009 754.0 151 382.8 109 2010 807.2 162 433.8 123 2011 858.5 172 397.6 113 2012 867.8 174 391.8 2013 914.5 183 384.5 MEG
The development of the per capita consumption of broiler and turkey meat in Germany between 2003 and 2013; data in kg/person and year Broiler meat Turkey meat Jahr Per capita consumption Index (2003 = 100) 2003 9.0 100 6.4 2005 9.3 103 6.2 97 2007 9.9 110 6.1 95 2009 10.8 120 6.0 94 2011 11.4 127 2013 11.7 130 5.7 89 MEG
The development of the self-sufficiency rate for broiler and turkey meat in Germany between 2000 and 2013; data in % Year Broiler meat Turkey meat 2000 79.5 63.1 2002 80.0 66.4 2004 93.0 67.2 2006 100.8 68.1 2008 105.1 76.3 2010 110.3 86.9 2012 116.0 82.7 2013 ? 83.1 MEG
Strukturen des Handels mit Geflügelfleisch The development of the per capita meat consumption in Germany between 2008 and 2013; data in kg Strukturen des Handels mit Geflügelfleisch
The regional distribution of poultry meat production in Germany (2010) Broiler Turkey Duck Goose
The ten leading countries of destination for Germany´s poultry meat exports in 2013 Country Exports (t) Share (%) Netherlands France Austria Un. Kingdom South Africa Greece Poland Belgium/Lux. Hungary Hong Kong 124,172 44,837 43,558 35,598 22,374 17,179 13,893 10,779 9,728 7,039 25.0 9.0 8.8 7.2 4.5 3.5 2.8 2.2 2.0 1.4 10 countries 329,193 66.3 Total 496,618 100.0 MEG 2014
The ten leading countries of origin for Germany´s poultry meat imports (2013), includes salted meat Country Imports (t) Share (%) Netherlands Poland Brazil France Un. Kingdom Belgium Hungary Thailand 236,722 83,598 37,987 29,435 29,022 27,590 23,691 18,422 44.6 15.7 7.1 5.5 5.2 4.5 3.5 8 countries 486,467 91.6 Total 531,291 100.0 EU 495,945 93.3 Non-EU countries 35,346 6.7 EMA 2013
Impacts of the projected population decrease on the 4. Impacts of the projected population decrease on the production and demand of broiler meat
Projected population development in Germany: 2011: 80.2 Mill. 2020: 78.8 Mill. 2030: 76.7 Mill. Absolute decrease: 3.5 mill. Relative decrease: 4.4 %
The development of the net production of broiler meat: Year Net production (1,000 t SW) Consumption (1,000 t) Per capita cons. (kg/year) 2004 2010 2013 2014 553 807 915 976 759 881 943 951 9.2 10.8 11.7 11.8 Increase 423 192 2,6 Increase (%) 76.5 25.3 28.3 Note: While production increased by 7.6 % per year, consumption only grew by 2.5 % The average annual increase of the per capita consumption was 250 g.
Perspectives: In the past years, production of broiler meat increased much faster than consumption. This resulted in growing export volumes. For 2020 a growing surplus is projected, based on a slower increase of the per capita consumption and a further growth of the production volume. The ongoing animal welfare discussion and resulting political decisions will have, however, far reaching impacts.
Projections of the global development of poultry meat 5. Projections of the global development of poultry meat production and consumption
The ten countries with the highest increase resp. decrease of chicken meat production between 1993 and 2013 Country Increase (1,000 t) Decrease Brazil 9,244 France 25 China 8,800 Bulgaria 20 USA 7,178 Greece 18 Russian Fed. 2,186 Cuba 17 Mexico 1,768 Kyrgyzstan 3 India 1,751 Uzbekistan Iran 1,396 Burundi Turkey 1,314 Mozambique Poland 1,258 Congo, Dem. R. 2 Indonesia 1,150 Eritrea 1 10 countries 36,045 95 OECD
Projected development of global poultry meat production between 2014 and 2023; data in 1,000 t Region/Country 2014 2023 Increase (%) World 109,970 134,511 22.3 Developing countries 64,787 82,088 26.7 Developed countries 45,182 52,422 16.0 EU (28) 12,841 13,873 8.0 USA 20,420 24,469 19.8 Brazil 13,385 15,445 15.4 OECD
Projected development of global poultry meat consumption between 2014 and 2023; data in 1,000 t Region/country 2014 2023 Change (%) World 109,497 134,340 + 22.7 Developing countries 67,253 85,833 + 27.6 Developed countries 42,541 48,508 + 14.0 EU (28) 12,396 13,055 + 5.3 USA 16,677 19,695 + 18.1 Brazil 9,491 10,647 + 12.2 Russian Federation 4,170 4,734 + 13.5 Japan 1,849 1,835 - 0.8 OECD
Projected development of the trade balance of selected countries with poultry meat, data in 1.000 t Region/country 2014 Developing countries - 3.748 Developed countries + 3.961 EU (28) + 817 USA + 4.775 Brazil + 4.798 Japan - 398 Africa - 2.192 OECD
Perspectives for Germany´s poultry meat production 5. Perspectives for Germany´s poultry meat production
Perspectives 1: The future development of poultry meat production in Germany will depend on the opening of new export markets and the possibility to build new growing houses. A fast increase of broiler meat production seems hardly possible because of limited possibilities to build new growing houses and a slow increase of the per capita consumption. In turkey meat production the decreasing per capita consumption resulted in a considerable decrease of the production volume. It will be difficult to stabilise the present situation.
Perspectives 2: The necessary consolidation in poultry meat production to be competitive in global markets finds a strong opposition not only in society but also in policy. The ongoing animal welfare discussion with stricter regulations as well as the global risk of Avian Influenza outbreaks could stop the recent growth of poultry meat production and limit exports. It is expected that a new paradigm of intensive poultry production will develop which will consider animal welfare and environmental protection aspects to a higher degree.
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