Candidate Information Separation of responsibilities of Returning Officer and CEO Returning Officer – Election Process CEO – Gifts/Donations (Declaration), signage/posters on public land (includes a verge) requires a permit from the City.
Candidate Information Signs – on Thoroughfares (verges) from 10 September. Require a Permit At least 30 metres from an intersection Can’t obstruct a thoroughfare. Not an illuminated sign Remove within 24 hours of close of polls on 21 October.
Candidate Information Declarations of Donations/Gifts of $200 or more in value received within 6 months of election day When Nominating, any gifts/donations must be declared by the recipient and donor within 3 days of nomination Subsequent gifts/donations must be declared to the CEO and unsuccessful Candidates have 3 days to provide declarations after the close of the poll Penalty for not disclosing is $5,000.
Candidate Information Profiles will be loaded to the City’s website and displayed at the Civic Centre. Contact for any matters that are the responsibility of the CEO: Jeff Clark 9364 0264 Ned Fimmano 9364 0263 Sharima West 9364 0238
Candidate Information Roles and Responsibilities Key responsibilities include: Represent the interests of all electors, ratepayers and residents Participate in council’s decision making process Contribute to council’s strategic direction and planning with community input Perform other functions as directed under Local Government Act 1995. Common Law requirements such as a fiduciary relationship similar to a board of directors, fidelity to the Council, support for Council decisions. Good governance of the District
Candidate Information Values and Characteristics Openness and transparency in decision making Tolerance and respect in all relationships Awareness of potential conflict of interests (consider diverse interests and needs across the community and make decisions in best interests of the district) Fairness in promoting community issues (observe principles of good governance and act with integrity)
Candidate Information Essential Skills of a Councillor General skills include an ability to: Communicate, debate and actively participate in meetings; enhance discussion and assist discussions to reach closure; disagree, without being disagreeable Develop and maintain effective working relationships; manage interpersonal conflicts Exercise independent judgements
Candidate Information A local government has two teams; The Council led by the Mayor; and Administration led by the CEO. Separation of Powers.
Candidate Information Be prepared to make decisions; Policy review Planning for the future Managing assets (Long Term Asset Plan) Governing finances
Candidate Information Voting – A Councillor’s most powerful action. Bias