Beginnings of Islam Pages 266-271
Objectives Explain how Islam developed Identify major beliefs of Islam Describe the spread of Islam
Islam Islam translated means “submit to the will of God” in Arabic Followers of Islam are called Muslims, which translates to “ones who submit to God” The most important book in Islam is called the Quran
The Birth of Muhammad – 570 A.D. Born in the oasis city of Mecca His mother and father died and he was raised by an uncle, who was a trader What do you know about Arab traders? They moved in caravans; Muhammad mastered the skill of leading caravans
Muhammad and Khadija Muhammad’s skills caught the eye of a widow and wealthy merchant named Khadija (ka DEE jah) On her behalf, Muhammad traveled to the Fertile Crescent to trade goods When he returned, they married
The City of Mecca Muhammad’s marriage gave him wealth and respect in Mecca The city was on a main trading route through western Arabia Many other visitors came because of Kaaba, Mecca’s temple Kaaba honored gods and goddesses
Checkpoint Where was Muhammad born? How did he learn his work as a trader? Mecca; by working for his uncle Why was Mecca such a busy city? It was a center of trade – as a crossroads of trading routes – and of religion, as home of the Kaaba, a temple to gods and goddesses
Teachings of Islam Muhammad often went to a nearby mountain to pray Muslims believe that Muhammad received a message from Allah What does Allah mean? (God) They believe Muhammad was told, “O Muhammad, you are Prophet of Allah”
The “Prophet” Muhammad Muslim writings say Khadija helped Muhammad greatly He set out to teach people in Mecca about Allah Muhammad angered city leaders, who believed in the traditional gods and goddesses Muhammad and his followers left Mecca because of the disagreement
Muhammad’s Migration Moved to another oasis town, Medina Gained many supporters there His hijra (“migration”) marked a major turning point in Islamic history This year (622 A.D.) marks the start of the Islamic calendar
Return to Mecca Muhammad led attacks on Meccan caravans, cutting off Mecca’s riches With peace agreements, he won Mecca’s surrender Destroyed statues of gods and goddesses in the Kaaba Proclaimed Mecca a Muslim city
The Quran Contains Allah’s teachings to Muhammad – Muslims believe these words were written down after Muhammad’s death Most important teaching: there is only one God in the universe – Allah (they DO NOT believe in the Trinity) Says that Allah is the God worshiped both by Christians and Jews
Five Pillars of Islam 5 basic duties of all Muslims: Believe in one God, Allah, and that Muhammad is Allah’s prophet Must pray 5 times a day in the direction of Mecca, the holy city Must give to those in need, especially poor Must fast during the holy month of Ramadan (sunrise to sunset, do not eat or drink) Must visit Mecca at least once in their lives (pilgrimage)
Checkpoint Why do you suppose the hijra marked a turning point in Islamic history? Perhaps because it gave Muhammad a base of support from which to spread Islam What does the Quran contain? What are the Five Pillars of Islam? The teaching Allah gave to Muhammad Belief in one God, prayer five times daily, giving to the poor, fasting during Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca
Islam Today Millions of Muslims make the pilgrimage to Mecca every year Saudi Arabia is the center of a world-wide Muslim community Estimated 12 million Muslims live in the United States today (2015)
Shiite (Shia) vs. Sunni Muslims Shiite (Shia) vs. Sunni Muslims SHIITE: 200 million people Believe that Muhammad had a successor, and that all rulers must be related to Muhammad Jihad: Holy War SUNNI: 1.2 billion people Believe that any practicing Muslim may be a ruler
How does Islam contradict the Bible’s Truths?