Referencing (HARVARD)
Referencing (HARVARD) Demonstrate use of the Harvard system of referencing. The Why, What, How of referencing. Understand the guidelines for the submission of written work.
Referencing (HARVARD) Quote from the Student Handbook: “A reference list must be provided, using the Harvard referencing system” DoHS student handbook 2001/2002 Appendix G page 45.
Referencing (HARVARD) Why? Acknowledge debts to other writers. Demonstrate the body of knowledge upon which your assignment is based. Enable the reader(s) to locate your sources easily.
Referencing Conventions (HARVARD) What ? Citing/Citation The way that (you) the writer refer to texts that you wish to include in your work – example to follow. Can also be all of the information retrieved from a bibliographical database search. References an alphabetical list describing each source that you have used. Bibliography a list of material you have used for information or inspiration but have not referred to directly in the text.
A paraphrase is... your own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else, presented in a new form. one legitimate way (when accompanied by accurate documentation) to borrow from a source. a more detailed restatement than a summary, which focuses concisely on a single main idea.
Method of citation Mention author(s) Date of publication Cole and Kelsey (2003) conclude that…. According to Cole (2001 p 25) ‘the evidence suggests these systems will not continue unless……’
Referencing Conventions (HARVARD) How ? Book Reference: Author(s),. (Date) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher. Nicklin, P., and Kenworthy, N. eds., (2000) Teaching and Assessing in Nursing Practice. 3rd ed. London: Baillière Tindall. Journal Reference: Nicklin, P. (2001) Safety Conscious. Health Management. 5 (5), 24-25.
Referencing Conventions (HARVARD) How to do it prepare citation in text (check spelling and date!) Write the reference (or a prompt note) and insert (alphabetically) into reference page when ‘proof reading’ check each citation in the reference list keep your references for ‘re-cycling’
Referencing Exercise Practice at writing references
Referencing Exercise Journal: Author Surname, Author Initial. (Date) Article title. Journal Title, Volume (part), pages. Burnham, J.F.(1994) Information management education for students in the health care professions: a coordinated, integrated plan. Medical Reference Services Quarterly. 13(2):45-62.
Referencing Exercise Journal: Author Surname, Author Initial(s). (Date) Article title. Journal Title, Volume (part), pages. Blythe, J., and Royle, J.A. (1993) Assessing nurses' information needs in the work environment. Bulletin of the Medical Library Association. 81(4), p433-5.
Referencing Exercise Journal - Online: Author Surname, Author Initial. (Date) Article title. [format] Journal Title, Place of Publication: Publisher: Available at: <URL> [ Accessed Date]. Drury, R.M. (1997) Considerations in planning a computer learning lab for nursing students. [online] On-Line Journal of Nursing Informatics. Available at: [Accessed 25 March 2003]
Referencing Exercise Journal: Author Surname, Author Initial. (Date) Article title. Journal Title, Volume (part), pages. Birx, E., Castleberry, K. and Perry, K. (1996) Integration of laptop computer technology into an undergraduate nursing course. Computers in Nursing. 14(2), p108-12.
Guidelines for submission of written work
There are 3 people involved in this decision: the author of the text you are referencing the writer (you) the reader (often your teacher).
There are 3 common types of in-text citation: 1). Direct Quote – means using the exact same words as the original author 2). Paraphrasing - means using the ideas of an author, but not his or her exact words. However, the meaning should be the same. You can do this, for example, to say that 2 different authors have the same opinion, and give the opinion as a paraphrase. This shows that you can categorise ideas, which is a useful study skill that can improve your marks in assignments. 3). Summarize - is writing a summary of what the author says. It is useful because: you can miss out unnecessary details, such as examples you can use less words than the author, and therefore reduce the number of words in your writing
Home Work For your homework I want you to reference 1 book 1 Journal 1 website 1 newspaper 1 multiple writer. Economic effect of the Olympic games in China. Global economy crisis. What will be the effect of the World trade fair in Shanghai 2010 have for China.