Report by: Katiuscia Zedda ASP 6 Project 2 Report by: Katiuscia Zedda
Proposal 3: New generation of Secure SCADA allowing for intelligent threat monitoring Critical Infrastructure (think: harbour, refinery, big plants) are characterised by: SCADA systems very vulnerable to cyber-attacks Attackers know this and they are already using it Actual Standard signature-based detection systems don’t work There are no signatures to start with Human errors can cause as much damage as cyber attacks Many distributed NODES difficult to manage and configure They rely on legacy systems Different makers with non inter-operable system New systems should work for long time (20 years) Mistakes/misuses can and do happen wrong sequence of operations + attacker deliberately issues commands
Proposal 3: New generation of SCADA allowing for intelligent threat monitoring Technology Objectives Giving to the SCADA system the capability to collect logs in the ‘standard’ format interoperable from different makers Intrusion detection methods for remote SCADA Proprietary protocols & Signature-less Techniques for automatic detection of strange/anomalous configuration Make the system easily update/upgrade to face new threats Market Innovation Objectives Target customers : medium and large organizations Manufacturing Industries, Process Industries, Electric Power and Grid or more general in the Monitoring and Control Market (M&C). that M&C is expected to continue to grow at 7% per year. This is driven by increasing demand related to increased safety, security, energy or environmental concerns.
Interested Parties Akhela (IT) (NL) (+ industrial partners) Mondragon University ( + industrial partners) (ES) CIMNE, Hi Visual-Tools, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ES) Control system producer Scada systems developer End users (water or energy suppliers…) Security experts
Thank you, Katiuscia Zedda