National Geographic kids Tomb Raiders Homework Menu Write 10 questions that you would ask Tutankhamun. Research the 7 wonders of the Ancient World. You could create a brochure or leaflet to present your information. Write a story set in Ancient Egypt. Write an acrostic poem using the letters of a key ‘topic’ word e.g. Egypt. Practise joined up writing at home. Use the video on the school website (under handwriting to write out the cursive alphabet. Use hieroglyphs to write a message that a friend can decode in class. Design / make an Ancient Egyptian Mummy Sarcophagus (the case a mummy was put into) using junk modelling. Find out some interesting facts about Ancient Egypt and create a multiple choice quiz. Use these websites to help you: Primary homework help National Geographic kids Ancient Egypt Imagine you were there when Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered. Write a diary or news report about the event. Design a death mask for Tutankhamun. Write an explanation for how the pyramids were constructed. Create a fact file on a famous Ancient Egyptian. Make a pyramid model. Could you show what it might look like inside? Design and make Egyptian jewellery. Pass it on – Do a good deed for somebody else e.g. washing the dishes for a neighbour. Black History Month (October) - Research and create a fact file about a famous black woman or man e.g. Mary Seacole, Nelson Mandela Visit the local library and write a review of your favourite book there Playing maths games on the Sumdog website Please bring in at least one piece of homework each Tuesday. You will earn house points for the work that you bring in.