Internet Art Ryder Ripps, LikeArtBasel
Internet Art As we are looking at the following examples, try to write down what you think are connecting characteristics or tendencies of these works. How are they different from traditional media like books, films, TV, magazines?
James Bridle, Rorschmap and Streetview,-73.9650,165,2=+5,1 Rafaël Rozendaal, Violent Power Also see: trashloop and roomwarp
Internet Aesthetics Petra Cortright
Internet Aesthetics Petra Cortright, VVEBCAM (still), 2007.
Internet Aesthetics Petra Cortright, VVEBCAM (still), 2007. “When she posted the piece to YouTube she attached tags from an SEO list she’d come across. Some were banal—san francisco, diego, jose, taco bell, border patrol, mcdonalds, KFC, trans fat; others weren’t—tits, vagina, sex, nude, boobs.” As a result of having those tags, over the next four years, Cortright’s video got some 60,000 views and numerous comments, many along the lines of “I can’t believe I just wasted two minutes of my life watching this.” A number of viewers were disappointed that the video didn’t match how it was tagged. “They would comment, ‘I thought this was going to be a sex tape of Britney Spears,’ or something,” Cortright told me by phone from her studio in Los Angeles. So she started commenting right back at them about this video and the dozens of others she made in the late 2000s in what she calls a “trolly” voice. “Some of the stuff I said to people I can’t even say out loud,” she said. “Just super offensive. I got very interested in the vernacular of YouTube, and the way people talked to each other.” Today, it is considered to be among the first artworks to use YouTube—and social media, in general—as a medium.The piece consisted of not just the video itself but its surrounding elements—comments, views ticker, and the other trappings of YouTube. It was as married to its social-media setting as Richard Serra insisted his site-specific sculpture Tilted Arc (1981) was to the Federal Plaza in downtown Manhattan.” Artnews, 9/1/16
Wafaa Bilal Domestic Tension
Internet Aesthetics Google Maps Road Trip Marc Horowitz and Peter Baldes
Porpentine and Neotenomie Probiotic River Thearpy
Ken Goldberg The Telegarden The Telegarden is an art installation that allows web users to view and interact with a remote garden filled with living plants. Members can plant, water, and monitor the progress of seedlings via the tender movements of an industrial robot arm.
“Telematics is a term used to designate computer-mediated communications networking involving telephone, cable, and satellite links between geographically dispersed individuals and institutions that are interfaced to data-processing systems, remote sensing devices, and capacious data storage banks (1). It involves the technology of interaction among human beings and between the human mind and artificial systems of intelligence and perception. The individual user of networks is always potentially involved in a global net, and the world is always potentially in a state of interaction with the individual. Thus, across the vast spread of telematics networks worldwide, the quantity of data processed and the density of information exchanged is incalculable. The ubiquitous efficacy of the telematic medium is not in doubt, but the question in human terms, from the point of view of culture and creativity, is: What is the content?” – Roy Ascott, excerpt from The Telematic Embrace
Reenactment: Gandhi’s March to Dandi — The Salt Satyagraha Online by Joseph DeLappe :: reenacts Mahatma Gandhi’s famous 1930s Salt March, The original 240-mile walk was made in protest of the British salt tax. “For this performance, DeLappe will walk the entire 240 miles of the original march. His steps on the treadmill will control the forward movement of his online avatar, enabling the live and virtual reenactment of the historic march. Join the walk online in Second Life, or visit Eyebeam for the real thing. Visit DeLappe’s blog for daily start locations, updates and information regarding the project.” - Eyebeam website
Joseph DeLappe, Dead in Iraq The project dead-in-iraq is an online memorial and protest taking place within the US Army recruiting game, "America's Army". I enter the game as "dead-in-iraq" in order to manually type the name, age, service branch, date of death of each service person who has died to date in Iraq using the game's text message. The work is essentially a fleeting, online memorial to those military personnel who have been killed in this ongoing conflict. My actions are also intended as a cautionary gesture.
Aram Bartholl – Dead Drops
Internet Aesthetics Public space, technology and public engagement Aram Bartholl – Dead Drops ‘Dead Drops’ is an anonymous, offline, peer to peer file-sharing network in public space. USB flash drives are embedded into walls, buildings and curbs accessible to anybody in public space. Everyone is invited to drop or find files on a dead drop. Plug your laptop to a wall, house or pole to share your favorite files and data. Each dead drop is installed empty except a readme.txt file explaining the project. ‘Dead Drops’ is open to participation. If you want to install a dead drop in your city/neighborhood follow the ‘how to’ instructions and submit the location and pictures.
Internet Aesthetics Shu Lea Cheang CrisisRus is a LaptopsRus project scheduled for 2013-2015. LaptopsRus is a self-organized open-participatory platform engaged in networking woman live performers. We want to acknowledge woman work force and resilient capacity in these time of personal and general crisis. "NETWORK | RE:WORK" is conceived as an online and offline Cacerolazo live performance with woman performers, homemakers, nomads, artists, activists across north-south continents and east-west hemisphere. Combining network streams of audiovisual materials with local perspectives in addressing issues of concerns, the CrisisRus live performance remixes slogans, signals, noise and visuals in AV manifestation.
Internet Aesthetics Shu Lea Cheang CrisisRus is a LaptopsRus project scheduled for 2013-2015. LaptopsRus is a self-organized open-participatory platform engaged in networking woman live performers. We want to acknowledge woman work force and resilient capacity in these time of personal and general crisis. "NETWORK | RE:WORK" is conceived as an online and offline Cacerolazo live performance with woman performers, homemakers, nomads, artists, activists across north-south continents and east-west hemisphere. Combining network streams of audiovisual materials with local perspectives in addressing issues of concerns, the CrisisRus live performance remixes slogans, signals, noise and visuals in AV manifestation.
Internet Aesthetics What connects the pieces like the Google Road Trip, Domestic Tension, death-in-iraq and Petra Cortright’s vvebcam ?
Internet Aesthetics What connects the pieces like the Google Road Trip, Domestic Tension, death-in-iraq and Petra Cortright’s vvebcam ? The social aspects of the work, the commentary, the engagement is part of the work, like a feedback system, like an ecosystem, the network behaves like an organism with unpredictable reactions and responses.
Internet Aesthetics What do Aram Bartholl’s Dead Drop and Birdle’s Street Map share?
Internet Aesthetics What are the aesthetic tendencies that connect the following artists working with the Internet as a core part of their media practice?
Internet Art Aesthetics Tendencies of Internet Aesthetics Networked participation that engages publics and communities Open environments where anyone can participate Use combination of code and media text/video/audio/drawing/language to extend the formal range of media Employ “telepresence” – playing with virtual/physical presence and networks Engage a wider, more democratic representation of humanity that is often left out of the broadcast/cable mainstream media Are interested in the symbiotic relationship between the physical and virtual worlds Explore activism and social change Ethereal, non-monetizable artwork that is confronts traditional notions of market drive art, No cost of admission
Internet Aesthetics Jacob Ciocci
Internet Aesthetics Yung Jake - Fusing programming, graphics and sound