Bishop Perrin School Priorities 2017-18.


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Presentation transcript:

Bishop Perrin School Priorities 2017-18

Bishop Perrin School Aims We promote Christian Values and encourage everyone to grow in their faith, developing respect for themselves, others and the world around them. We provide a safe and supportive environment, promoting a sense of belonging to encourage children to develop the skills to become responsible, independent citizens of the future. We provide a rich and varied curriculum that encourages children to become enthusiastic, inquisitive and successful learners. We create a culture where everyone is able to achieve their highest standards, work co-operatively and have the confidence to face challenges. We work in partnership with each other, families and the wider community to achieve well-being and success for all. RE/Spiritual and Moral Values Safeguarding and Health and Safety Teaching and Learning Assessment Families and Community

HEADTEACHER ASSISTANT HEAD DEPUTY HEAD SCHOOL BUSINESS MANAGER Teachers HEADTEACHER (Safeguarding and Health and Safety) Mr Corke ASSISTANT HEAD (Assessment) Miss McAvoy DEPUTY HEAD (Teaching and Learning) Miss Macklearn NQTs/Students/ Supply Teachers Teaching Assistants Pupil Premium Leader Curriculum Leaders: Science and Technology ICT Computing & Online Safety Wellbeing SCHOOL BUSINESS MANAGER Mrs Forster INCLUSION LEADER Mrs Twitcher FAMILIES AND COMMUNITIES PARTNERSHIP LEADER Miss Lancaster SPIRITUAL AND MORAL VALUES LEADER Miss Boyce EXTENDED SCHOOLS CO-ORDINATOR Curriculum Teams Play Team Leader Play Leaders Premises Staff Office Staff SEN Teachers Learning Support Assistants Breakfast Club Leader Work Experience Students Breakfast Club Staff

Identifying our School Priorities In order to move forward, we need to look backwards! Schools are required to self-evaluate and identify their strengths and their areas for development. We gather our evidence of how we have performed from a variety of places and sources.

Gathering the Evidence We are able to gather evidence of how we are performing as a school from many sources: Published data from national testing-Early Years Foundation Stage data/Year 1 Phonics Check data/Key Stage 1 data/Key Stage 2 data Findings from Learning Reviews carried out by external visitors such as School Advisors and Diocesan Inspectors Peer-to-Peer Reviews carried out by colleagues from other schools Learning Walks carried members of BP staff and Governors Self-evaluations carried out by members of staff for their subject area Monitoring of books/marking/planning/learning environment (displays) carried out by both BP Senior Leadership and external visitors Pupil conferences Annual questionnaires completed by children/parents/staff Government initiatives/legislation

Self-Evaluation Form 2017-18 Bishop Perrin Summary Self-Evaluation Form 2017-18

This is called a School Development Plan. From SEF to SDP! From identifying our strengths and areas for development, we can formulate our plans to make school improvements. This is called a School Development Plan.

Additional Priorities Bishop Perrin’s Summary School Development Plan 2017-18   Our School Development Plan is driven by our School Aims (underlined) and also includes other key elements of whole school improvement. Each School Aim is of equal importance to our School. Our key areas of focus for 2017-18 are: Main Objective Additional Objectives Responsibility RE and Values To implement recommendations from the SIAMS inspection To ensure the foundations of learning for RE, Spiritual and Moral Values are embedded in the Early Years curriculum To ensure that the standard of writing in RE is of the same standard as in other subjects To be able to demonstrate progress in RE within a year group and across a year group Spiritual and Moral Values Leader Safeguarding To implement findings from the LSCB Safeguarding Audit and Health and Safety Audit. To action points raised as issues in the LSCB Safeguarding Compliance Checklist (Apr 2017), Bishop Perrin H & S Review Update (June 2017) and complete the Michelle Robins Safeguarding Audit To ensure all School Safeguarding and Child Protection and associated policies are up to date and ratified To attend appropriate training and disseminate information to relevant parties To establish routines and systems for regular and robust H & S checks to be carried out and liaison with H & S and Child Protection Governor Designated Safeguarding Lead Curriculum To improve the quality of teaching and learning for writing to enable good progress and outcomes across the school Writing to be a key feature of all SDP plans to ensure high profile of writing across the curriculum Review the ‘Writing Process’ to maximise opportunities for children to recognise their purpose for writing and to be able to clearly see the progress they are making. Staff INSET / meeting – creativity and inspiration for writing with a focus on motivating boys’ writing Provide parent workshop – ‘Supporting Your Child With Writing at Home’ All Teaching Staff Assessment To develop assessment mechanisms to track children’s progress year-on-year To ensure deep and widespread understanding and application of the criteria used for assessment of the Early Years curriculum for all teaching staff, leadership and parents To effectively monitor the progress children make in reading, writing, GPS and maths within year groups and across year groups To be able to demonstrate and monitor progress in Foundation Subjects (PE, Geography, History, DT, Art, PSHE, Music, French) within a year group and across a year group Assessment Leader Families and Communities To work with parents to develop ways to support their children with making good progress in writing To develop further means to ensure effective parent communication with regards to information about their child’s progress To maximise ways to enhance the school’s outdoor environment To continue to build and develop links with our local community To develop ways in which we can use our community links to maximise our income Families and Community Partnership Leader English To raise the profile and standard of writing to increase attainment and progress measures across all year groups, particularly boys at the end of KS2 To ensure the foundations of learning for English are embedded in the Early Years curriculum To be able to clearly demonstrate progress in reading and writing   Literacy Leader Maths To ensure the foundations of learning for Maths are embedded in the Early Years curriculum and to raise standards in KS1 To ensure the foundations of learning are embedded in the Early Years provision To raise the profile and standard of writing in Maths To be able to demonstrate progress in Maths within a year group and across a year group Maths Leader EYFS To develop the curriculum planning and provision in EYFS To develop new long and medium term theme planning to address all areas of learning in EYFS Maximise the learning potential of the Outdoor Classroom Embed new systems and procedures for effective transition to and from EYFS EYFS Staff Additional Priorities Pupil Premium-Instigate recommendations from the Pupil Premium Audit (July 2017) PE Premium-To develop effective strategies to maximise the impact of PE Premium spend Computing-Raise the profile of Online Safety across the school community Science and DT-To raise the profile and standard of writing in Science and DT Associated Staff

One important role that Governors perform is to hold the school leadership to account and to act as a “critical friend”. Our Governors are actively involved in scrutinising both our Self-Evaluation Form and our School Development Plan to ensure that we are providing the best for the children.
