Marketing Management SECTION IV 7th Edition Marketing Plan Outline menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors S E C T I O N F O U R Marketing Management 7th Edition J. Paul Peter James H. Donnelly, Jr. Marketing Plan Outline McGraw-Hill/Irwin © 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved.
SECTION IV Title Page Relevant time period Authors with positions held menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Title Page Name of the product Relevant time period Authors with positions held Group commissioning the report Date of submission
SECTION IV Executive Summary Major aspects of the plan menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Executive Summary Brief introduction Major aspects of the plan Budgeting statement
SECTION IV Table of Contents menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Table of Contents Should include what in the report and where it can be found Should reflect logical sequencing of information
SECTION IV Introduction menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Introduction May include background or history of an existing product, or new information on a new product Include a precise statement stating the purpose of the report
SECTION IV Situational Analysis menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Situational Analysis Critical environmental conditions Social, political and legal implications Industry analysis Competitive analysis
SECTION IV Marketing Planning Three major elements: menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Marketing Planning Three major elements: Marketing objectives Target markets Marketing mix
SECTION IV Marketing Objectives menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Marketing Objectives Use quantifiable or discrete statement to measure marketing accomplishments Objective statements often expressed in sales units or dollars
SECTION IV Target Markets Defines the market by customer profile menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Target Markets Defines the market by customer profile Includes changes and important issues influencing consumer or organizational buyer behavior Defines purchasing trends currently shaping the market
SECTION IV Marketing Mix Promotion Distribution/Place Price menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Marketing Mix Product Promotion Distribution/Place Price Marketing research > Justify and explain the costs and benefits associated with research
SECTION IV Implementation of the Plan menu SECTION IV Section IV Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors Implementation of the Plan Defines and schedules implementation and control of the plan Compared by reference to tradition or past plans
SECTION IV The Authors menu J. Paul Peter, Ph.D. Title Page Executive Summary Table of Contents Introduction Situation Analysis Marketing Planning Marketing Objectives Target Markets Marketing Mix Implementing the Plan The Authors The Authors J. Paul Peter, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin – Madison 3Click image to go to author’s web site James H. Donnelly, Jr., Ph.D. University of Kentucky – Lexington 3Click image to go to author’s web site Marketing Management 7th Edition – McGraw-Hill 3Click on the book to go to the book site PowerPoint design by Lance Fuhrer, MBA PowerPoint content by Larry Fuhrer, MBA, MBA Keller Graduate School of Management of DeVry University