Online IDEA Course Evaluation Process Using Campus Labs
Faculty benefits: Real-time Response Rates Mobile Device Compatible Receive Results Faster Report Interpretation – IDEA-CL
Delivery How to Complete the FIF Dear Professor Garvin, Please complete the Faculty Information Form, (FIF) which is part of the IDEA Student Rating of Instruction survey that is being conducted for you. By clicking on the link below you will be taken to a list of courses for which you have FIFs to complete. Click on the FIF button below each course title to access the form. This survey requires your thoughtful reflection about your role and performance as an instructor. This information will be used along with respondent feedback to create a personalized report for you. Access the webpage at Thank you for your participation. If you have any questions you may reach me at 555-555-5555 and Faculty will access the FIF from their campus log in page. This link can be sent to the faculty via an email sent by the institution When click on link the log in page will appear Report Interpretation – IDEA-CL
Access Page How to Complete the FIF Faculty will access all their FIFs and reports from this screen. CLICK Faculty click on the FIF button to access the FIF for the specific class. CLICK. The form can be accessed multiple times while it’s available. Once the FIF has been completed, the objectives will be pre-populated for the same course for subsequent terms. Faculty will be able to modify the learning objectives if desired. CLICK Additional questions can also be added from the access page. CLICK These questions can be open ended or multiple choice. They will need to be added before the survey opens for students. Report Interpretation – IDEA-CL
Response Rates Faculty Involvement is Key Prepare Students Communicate How to Complete the FIF Response Rates Faculty Involvement is Key Prepare Students Communicate In-Class Capture Create Value Monitor Response Rates Prep students Include in syllabus (integrate obj into course syllabus; include survey dates with other key dates) Talk about course objectives (changes made/things kept from past reports) Communicate Tell them what to expect, when it’s happening Can give reminders through multiple channels (course site, twitter, etc.) In-class capture CLICK Mobile delivery allows students to use any wi-fi enabled device to complete survey in class Those not present can still complete later CLICK Create value Share sample report Culture of assessment Monitor response rates Available on faculty access page Report Interpretation – IDEA-CL
For questions, contact… Marcus S. Braziel Operations Research Analyst Institutional Research and Effectiveness 561-803-2055 Report Interpretation – IDEA-CL