Monitoring Sanitation Progress Setting the Scene 2011-2015 Mark Radin, Water and Sanitation Program Consultant Dakar, May 2015
Where we started- Indicator 8 in 2011 “Is there a sanitation monitoring and evaluation (M+E) system?” Good Progress Some Progress Insufficient Progress No Information
2011 Overview In 2011 the criteria for Indicator 8 was, is there a monitoring and evaluation system in place Most countries had a basic system in place, but did not score themselves as good progress The Good Progress Countries were: Burkina Faso, Uganda, Ethiopia, Senegal
Where we are today- Indicator 8 2015 “To develop and implement sanitation information, monitoring systems and tools to track progress at local and national levels” Good Progress In Progress Little Progress No Information
2015 Overview I want to show you what we want to do in Kenya to accelerate the trend Walk them through the current trend line, and then what happens if you accelerate by 1 2 or 3 percent more If we were to accelerate the trend by an additional 3% then we could achieve universal access in Kenya by vision 2030
Rural and Urban Scores
? Why M&E is Important Good Progress on Indicator 8 in 2011 Scored Good Progress on Indicator 8 2011 Greater Mean Score in 2015? ? Scored Some Progress on Indicator 8 2011 Lower Mean Score in 2015? Good Progress on Indicator 8 in 2011 Some Progress on Indicator 8 in 2011 Mean Score in 2015* .80 0.65 Good Progress on Indicator 8 in 2013 Some Progress on Indicator 8 in 2013 Mean Score in 2015* .84 0.67 High M&E scores in 2011 are correlated with higher total scores in 2015 This is more important than having a specific budget line for sanitation *Significant at the 99% level
Guiding Questions for M&E Systems M&E Questions Benin Rwanda Kenya Who is responsible for monitoring and evaluating the sanitation sector? Ministry of Health Ministry of Local Government Who is responsible for collecting household level data? Hygiene Agent Community Health Club Community Health Volunteer Is the person or group responsible for data collection government staff or a volunteer? Staff Volunteer Is this person or group based at the village level? No Yes Is this person or group also responsible for implementing sanitation programming? Is the data reviewed regularly by a higher authority? Is the reporting system paper based or digital? Paper Both Does the system collect data on financing or on equity?