Serine,Alanine one Carbon Metabolism Dr. Ketki K Assistant Professor Dept of Biochemistry HIMS Varanasi
Serine Aliphatic hydroxy amino acid Non essential Glucogenic
Sources of Serine: Phosphoglycerate Glycine ( glycine → serine) Alanine + hydroxypyruvate → Pyruvate + Serine
Catabolism of serine Deamination to Pyruvate Transamination to hydroxypyruvate Serine is glucogenic
Metabolic functions of Serine 1) One carbon pool (serine → glycine) 2) Formation of cysteine (homocysteine + serine → homoserine + cysteine) 3) Serine → alanine by dehydration & transamination 4) Phosphotidyl serine 5) Used as drug: eg, Azaserine- anticancer drug, Cycloserine- antituberculous drug
6) Choline synthesis: Serine → ethanolamine → choline Used for acetylcholine synthesis(Neurotransmitter), From choline , 3 carbons can be removed, important one carbon donor (salvage pathway for one carbon unit)
7) Serine as a component of Protein Phosphoprotein: eg, Casein In covalent modification Glycoproteins Active group of enzymes: eg: serine proteases : Trypsin,coagulation factor
Alanine Non essential Glucogenic Pyruvate + glutamate → alanine + alpha keto gluterate (transamination,PLP dependant) C/S: 1) ALT: Increased in liver disease 2) Major important participant in inter organ transport of nitrogen (glucose alanine cycle)
One carbon metabolism Content One carbon compounds Generation of one carbon compounds Inter-conversion of one carbon compounds Utilization of one carbon compounds
One carbon metabolism Role in donating carbon atom for synthesis of several compounds One carbon pool of the body:
Generation of one carbon compounds From amino acids Serine Glycine Histidine Tryptophan Choline( salvage pathway for one carbon unit)
Inter-conversion of one carbon compounds Important irreversible step: reductase Folate trap
Utilization of one carbon compounds For synthesis of C2 of Purine Formylation of methionyl tRNA C8 of Purine Glycine (glycine synthase complex) Serine ( glycine to serine) Choline ( ethanolamine to choline) Deoxy TMP ( dUMP tp dTMP) Transmethylation reactions Excreted as CO2