What shops do you know? GROCER’S SHOP ['grqVsqz'SPp] BAKER’S SHOP ['beIkqz'SPp] BUTCHER’S SHOP ['bVCqz'SPp] GREENGROCER’S SHOP ['grJngrqVsqz'SPp] CLOTHES SHOP ['klqVDz'SPp] SHOE STORE ['SH'stL]
What is sold in this shop? What shop is this? What is sold in this shop? GROCER’S SHOP ['grqVsqz'SPp] food [fHd]
What food do people usually buy in the grocer’s shop? Tea [tJ] Juice [GHs] Flour ['SlaVq] Sugar ['SVgq] Sweets ['swJts] Bars of chocolate ['CPklIt] Coffee ['kPfI]
What is sold in this shop? What do people usually buy in this shop? What shop is this? What is sold in this shop? What do people usually buy in this shop? BAKER’S SHOP ['beIkqz'SPp] Bread [bred]; a loaf of bread Pies [paIz] Cakes ['keIks] Biscuits ['bIskIts]
What is sold in this shop? What do people usually buy in this shop? What shop is this? What is sold in this shop? What do people usually buy in this shop? BUTCHER’S SHOP ['bVCqz'SPp] Meat [mJt] Sausages ['sPsIGIz]
What is sold in this shop? What do people often buy in this shop? What shop is this? What is sold in this shop? What do people often buy in this shop? GREENGROCER’S SHOP ['grJngrqVsqz'SPp] Fruits and Vegetables [frHts] ['veGItqblz] Nuts [nAts]
What is sold in this shop? What do people usually buy in this shop? What shop is this? What is sold in this shop? What do people usually buy in this shop? CLOTHES SHOP ['klqVDz'SPp] Shirts [SE:ts] Skirts [skE:ts] Dresses ['dresIz]
What is sold in this shop? What do people usually buy in this shop? What shop is this? What is sold in this shop? What do people usually buy in this shop? SHOE STORE ['SH'stL] Boots [bHts] Shoes [SHz] Trainers ['treInqz]
Thanks a lot for your good work at the lesson! Good Luck! Good bye!