Introduction to Islam Eastern Cultures Arizona School for the Arts Andrea Kolich
What comes to your mind when you hear the words: 5 quick words What comes to your mind when you hear the words: Islam Muslim
Islam and Muslims The religion is called Islam. The people who practice Islam are called Muslims. (It is pronounced Mooslims)
Domestic Terrorism
Islam and Muslims The religion is called Islam. The people who practice Islam are called Muslims. (It is pronounced Mooslims)
Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam A prophet is a messenger of God. Muhammad was born in 570 AD. His parents died when he was 7. Liked to go off by himself and pray in the desert. He heard the voice of the angel Gabriel telling him to proclaim the one true God.
Muhammad Muslims do not believe that the face of Muhammad should be shown. He is often depicted as in the picture on the right.
Allah Allah is the name of God to Muslims. You will never see an image of Allah. Muslims believe that He does not resemble any other form in creation in any way.”
The Qur’an Holy Book of Islam Written in Arabic Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Qur’an to Muhammad. Many Muslims memorize the Qur’an The Qur’an has the rules Muslims live by.
The Sunnah In Islam, the Arabic word “sunnah” means the way Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, lived his life. Muslims strive to live their life as Muhammad did.
A Mosque A Mosque is the place of worship for Muslims.
The Five Pillars of Islam 1. Faith (Shahadah): There is only one God, and Muhammad is the Prophet 2. Prayer (Salah): Five times a day 3. Almsgiving (Zakat): All Muslims pay a tax to help the poor 4. Fasting (Sawm): Not eating or drinking during daylight during the month of Ramadan 5. Pilgrimage (Hajj): All Muslims want to make a pilgrimage to the Holy City of Mecca once in their lifetimes.
Muslims say this when they are praying Pillar 1: SHAHADAH This Pillar is believing and saying the words. “There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”. Muslims say this when they are praying
Profession of Faith (Shahadah) How does Allah relate to the God of Christians and Jews? Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God.
Pillar 1: Shahada Muslims believe that angels do Allah’s work throughout the universe. Judgment is that some people will go to “paradise” while others will not.
Pillar 2: Salat Muslims pray 5 times a day
Pillar 2:SALAT This Pillar is praying five times a day. There are set prayers which Muslims should say Muslims should face Mecca in Arabia when praying, Should pray on a prayer mat. People should wash before they pray. There are fixed movements, which include kneeling with the forehead placed on the ground in front. This expresses the servant status of the human being in relation to Allah.
Daily Worship (Salat) What do beads, rugs, mosques, the qibla, muezzins, and imams how to do with worship? Prayer beads are used to recite God’s characteristics Rugs are for kneeling on Mosques are the place to gather for prayer Qibla shows the direction of Makkah Muezzins person whocall others to prayer Imams are prayer leaders
Prayer Movements
Pillar 3: ZAKAT Each year, Muslims are supposed to give a some of their savings for charity such as helping the poor. In this way, they believe that their wealth is “made pure”
#3 Almsgiving (Zakat) Sharing your “wealth” helps to control greed Giving to others reminds people of God’s gifts to oneself. Muslims are asked to give 2,5% of income Zakat pays to orphanages, hospitals, soups kitchens, and provides clothing and shelter for the poor. Also zakat pays debts for the poor and helps stranded travelers.
What other religions practice charity? How? #3 Almsgiving (Zakat) What other religions practice charity? How?
Pillar 4: SAWM Muslim people must not eat food and drink during the month of Ramadan during daylight hours.
Fasting (Sawm) Sawm is daily fasting during Ramadan (30 days), the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is performed from sunrise to sunset. No eating or drinking is allowed. What rule about food is observed during Ramadan? Muslims break the daily fast at sunset with dates and other food and drink. At the end of Ramadan, there are special foods, gifts exchanged and giving to the poor. Ramadan encourages generosity, equality, and charity. It is a time to forgive people, give thanks and avoid arguments.
What other religions practice fasting What holiday? Fasting (Sawm) What other religions practice fasting What holiday?
Pillar 5: HAJJ This is making a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in your life, if it can be afforded.
The Hajj: The pilgrimage to Mecca
Pilgrimage (Hajj) The hajj promotes fellowship and equality. Muslims wear simple white clothing on this special journey. The Ka’ba is a shrine built by Abraham to honor God. During the hajj, Muslims also travel along a special passage between two small hills, as Hagar (wife of Abraham) did when she searched for water for her son. Muslims camp in tents at Mina, pray at the plain of Arafat, and some climb Mount Arafat. Before returning home Muslims will circle the Ka’ba seven more times. (remember picture of people circling the stone)
The Hajj & Mecca arabia_mecca
Ramadan Ramadan - the most important holiday Muslims fast from sun up till sundown during the month of Ramadan Ramadan celebrates Muhammad receiving the Qur’an from Allah
Jihad (struggle) Jihad gives Muslims a way to respond positively to external and internal challenges. The “lesser jihad” relates to the external struggle against oppression, the outer battle. The “greater jihad” is the fight against oneself. During war, Muslims SHOULD honor agreements made with enemies and SHOULD NOT mutilate the dead, harm innocent people, or destroy property, orchards, crops, sacred objects, or houses of worship.
Shari’ah (Islamic Law) Shari’ah is the body of Islamic law based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah. Islamic law guides Muslims in their personal behavior. It was developed by caliphs and scholars who used the Qur’an and the Sunnah to solve problems that arose. Shari’ah promotes obedience to the Qur’an and respect for others. Three examples of behaviors that shari’ah regulates are to not eat pork, drink alcohol, or gamble. Muslims must dress modestly. Over the years shari’ah has been influenced by western codes of law. These laws continue to change in response to modern ways of life.
Islamic symbol The Star and Crescent Moon You will find the Star and Crescent Moon on many Islamic nation’s flags.
Islam Discuss 5 new things you learned with your table Why might these be important to our future studies?
Which Holy Book? oly_book passage-from-the-bible-torah-or-quran-take-the- test/
Document 1 Source: The Message: Selected Verses from The Holy Qur'an. Mohammed Keramat Ali. 1993. And thus does their Lord answer their prayer: I shall not lose sight of the work of any of you who works ( in My way) be it man or woman. You are members, one of another. Surah Al-I-Imran 3:195 Source: The Holy Qur'an: Text ,Translation and Commentary. Abdullah Yusuf Ali. 1989. O Prophet, say to thy wives and daughters and the believing women, that they draw their veils close to them; so it is likelier they will be known, and not hurt. - Surah 33:59
Document 2 Source: World Civilizations: The Global Experience. Peter Stearns.2001 The prophet's teachings proclaimed the equality of men and women before God and in Islamic worship. Women, most notably his wife Khadijah, were some of Muhammad's earliest and bravest followers. They accompanied his forces to battle (as did the wives of their adversaries) with the Meccans, and a woman was the first martyr for the new faith. Many of the hadiths, or traditions of the prophet, which have played such a critical role in Islamic law and ritual, were recorded by women. In addition, Muhammad's wives and daughters, played an important role in compiling the Qur'an.
Document 3 Source: The Human Record: Sources of Global History. Vo. I. Andrea Overfield.2001 Men are appointed guardians over women, because of that in respect of which Allah has made some of them excel others, and because the men spend their wealth. So virtuous women are obedient and safeguard, with Allah's help, matters the knowledge of which is shared by them with their husbands. Surah: 4:35 Ibn Umar relates that the Honorable Prophet said: Every one of you is a steward and is accountable for that which is committed to his charge. The ruler is a steward and is accountable for his charge, a man is a steward in respect of his household, a woman is a steward in respect of her husband's house and his children. Thus everyone of you is a steward and is accountable for that which is committed to his charge. ( Bohkari and Muslim) )
Document 3, cont Abu Ali Talq ibn Ali relates that the Honorable Prophet said: When a man calls his wife for his need, she should go to him even if she is occupied in baking bread. (Tirmidhi and Nisai)… Umm Salamah relates that the Honorable Prophet said: If a woman dies and her husband is pleased with her, she will enter Paradise. (Tirmidishi
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Document 6 Source: Women in Islam. Marjorie Wall Bingham and Susan Hill Gross.1980 EGYPT: In 1899, Qasim Amin published a book called The Emancipation of Women. In the book he called for such mild reforms as: 1) some basic education for women 2) somewhat more physical freedom though not outlawing the veil 3) changes in the divorce laws to make them fairer to women Though these suggestions no longer seem radical, his book caused violent opposition in Egypt. Articles, books and pamphlets were written against his idea. He, however, continued his campaign for the liberation of Egyptian women. … He is credited with starting the Egyptian movement for rights of women.
Document 6, cont EGYPT 1952: A religious ruling denied women the right to vote because they were too "swayed by emotions and, therefore, of incompetent and unstable nature." For ten more years the "Daughters of the Nile" and other groups fought to get women the vote. EGYPT 1962: Women received the right to vote. The first woman minister was appointed. In the charter of 1962 (after the Revolution of 1958 brought Nasser to power) was the following declaration: Women must be regarded as equal to man and she must therefore shed the remaining shackles that impede her free movements, so that she may play a constructive and profoundly important part in shaping the life of the country.
Document 7 Source: Women in the Middle East: Tradition and Change. Ramsay M. Harik.1996 A popular Islamic leader and television personality in Cairo explains the resurgence of veiling during the mid 20th century in this way: the sight of a woman's beauty- especially her hair- is so alluring that it can be intolerably distracting to men. It turns their thoughts away from pious, proper behavior: an adolescent youth suffers from frustrated sexual desire, and a middle aged man thinks of discarding his wife and finding a much younger woman. To prevent men from experiencing this agitation, which makes them uncomfortable and can even lead to social disorder, it is the duty of all women, regardless of age or condition, to conceal their hair and shape of their bodies. Women must behave in such a way as to remove temptation from men's paths. In this respect, women are held responsible for men's emotions and conduct. A woman's freedom to leave her home and do what she needs or wants to may thus, in a given situation, depend on her wearing the veil (hijab). Assertion of her religious and cultural identity, in a time of fast-changing values and practices, may impel her to put on the veil. The social setting in which she lives may require the veil. But the ultimate meaning of "covering" still raises disturbing questions
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