UC Davis Pre-Health Conference By Lauren Galantai,Vanessa Galvan, Yerin Kwak, Irene Morrow, Brianna Valles and Katrina Wong Sponsored By ASWC Senate and KNS Department
UC Davis Pre Health Conference Physical Therapy: transforming society by optimizing movement to improve human lifestyle 2 Day Conference - Meet other students like you! Various presentations and workshops Admission counselors from all pre-health programs 10,000+ Attendees!
What to look for in a Doctorate of PT Program Length of program 2 years vs. 3 years Curriculum Clinical Rotations throughout 3 years vs. Clinical Rotations all during 3rd year of program Interactional component (oriented towards lecture or problem solving based?) Accreditation Provisional licensure (PT schools waiting for approval…) # of Faculty/Student Ratio Clinical Experiences offered (Specialities offered?) Clinical vs. Research Based Faculty Where do you come from and where will you fit in? Pay attention to vibe and pulse of environment
What should you do prior to finalizing PT school options? Talk to students who go to that school Get their perspective How do they like lecture? How do the classmates feel? Is there a sense of competitiveness or do students work together? Is there a ranking among students? What should I expect when I get there? Is it more hands-on or lecture based? How are clinical rotations chosen?
How to Make Yourself Marketable for Grad Schools Transcripts Clinical Experience (Variety of PT settings - both inpatient and outpatient) Letters of Recommendation Ask early for letters Provide supporting materials (resume, statement of purpose, courses taken/grades) Send a thank you note Interviews Ask advice from mentors Go to school website and understand philosophy/mission of the school Practice in front of a mirror Pre-Requisites Check to see what percent of Prerequisites required before applying Take extra electives that can make you stand out (i.e. abnormal psychology, microbiology, etc.) Extracurriculars Leadership skills
Getting the Most out of your DPT Program Are there fellowships/residencies/PhD available after you complete your DPT? Make yourself more marketable! Extracurriculars/Community Service Take elective courses that will enhance experience (i.e. Spanish PT, International PT) Become a certified specialist (i.e. Orthopedics)
Now what... ATTEND THE CONFERENCE NEXT YEAR!!! :) Upcoming Event: USC DPT Networking Event December 1st at 6:30 pm!