Production Engineering Compare companies Production Engineering 2011011525 Jang Hyouk su
DUCKYANG Industrial. Co. (울산광역시 북구 효암로 366 (연암동)) Ulsan SEJONG Industrial. Co. (울산광역시 북구 효자로 82 (연암동))
Cockpit Module Crash pad Door trim 1. COMPARE (product) Audio Handle 01 1. COMPARE (product) Handle Audio Instrument pannel Cockpit Module Crash pad Door trim
Sales Patent Employee number Main customer Condition Annual salary 01 1. COMPARE (investigate) Sales Roughly 815.9 billion Sales Employee number Continuous Service year Employee number 700 people Continuous service year 17.4 year Condition Main customer Patent Patent 4 Main customer Hyundai Motor Company Annual salary Condition Average Credit 3.0 , Toeic 700 Annual salary 33.5 million
Domestic based Manufacturing plant 3 R&D center 2 1. COMPARE (network) 01 ABOUT DUCKYANG 1. COMPARE (network) Domestic based Head Office & Ulsan Plant R&D Center _test (Kyoungju) R&D Center _Design (Suwon) Kyoungju Plant Manufacturing plant 3 R&D center 2 Beijing Plant (BDYC)
1. COMPARE (product) 01 Catalytic Converter Sub Resonator SCR Exhaust Manifold Main Resonator
Sales Patent Employee number Main customer Condition Annual salary 01 1. COMPARE (investigate) Sales Roughly 1024.5 billion Sales Employee number Continuous Service year Employee number 829 people Continuous service year 15.5 year Condition Main customer Patent Patent 6 Main customer Hyundai Motor Company Annual salary Condition Average Credit 3.0 , Toeic 700 Annual salary 33 million
Worldwide Manufacturing plant 16 R&D center 4 1. COMPARE (network) 01 ABOUT DUCKYANG 1. COMPARE (network) Worldwide Manufacturing plant 16 R&D center 4
1. COMPARE (investigate) 01 1. COMPARE (investigate) Sales Roughly 836 .6 billion Sales Roughly 1024.5 billion Employee number 700 people Employee number 829 people Continuous service year 15.5 year Continuous service year 17.4 year Patent 4 Patent 6 Main customer Hyundai Motor Company Main customer Hyundai Motor Company Condition Average Credit 3.0 , Toeic 700 Condition Average Credit 3.0 , Toeic 700 Annual salary 33.5 million Annual salary 33.5 million
Progressing the business of the chinese market 02 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Progressing the business of the chinese market 구분 2013년 2014년 2015년 자산총계 (total asset) 228,093 217,037 330,511 부채총계 (total liability) 172,243 156,229 269,245 자본총계 (total capital) 55,849 60,808 61,266 매출원가 (cost of sales) 828,747 801,132 809,456 당기순이익 (net income) 1,318 3,317 3,760
Sales performance is not good 02 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Sales performance is not good 구분 2013년 2014년 2015년 자산총계 (total asset) 697,570 858,810 881,077 부채총계 (total liability) 341,346 480,132 378,678 자본총계 (total capital) 356,225 404,224 매출원가 (cost of sales) 1,036,248 1,074,613 562,464 당기순이익 (net income) 46,465 22,618 17,138
growth potential stagnation 01 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Employee number 700 people Sales Roughly 836 .6 billion Annual salary 33.5 million Patent 4 Main customer Hyundai Motor Company Condition Average Credit 3.0 , Toeic 700 829 people Roughly 1024.5 billion 6 Continuous service year 17.4 year 15.5 year growth potential stagnation