AGIC 90 Minute Hands on Session Presented by: Noah Ruiz - Skynetwest Unmanned Aerial Systems Service Provider Bill Stull – Branco Machinery Unmanned Aerial Systems Retail
Introduction Flight planning Risk Assessment Overview of process Processing of Data Set Table of Contents
Design Flight plan with Asctec Navigator There are many different software platforms to use to obtain the same objective
We then build matrix of waypoints
The design we used for our processing project
You can now connect or export to sUAS Apply parameters You can now connect or export to sUAS
Risk Assessment Process Can be found within Advisory Circular 107.2 Appendix A ia/AC_107-2_AFS- 1_Signed.pdf
Overview Generally the final goal of processing is to build a textured 3D model. The procedure of processing and 3D model construction comprises of four main stages. 1. Camera Alignment At this stage PhotoScan searches for common points on photographs and matches them, as well as finds the position of the camera for each picture and refines camera calibration parameters. As a result a sparse point cloud and a set of camera positions are formed. 2. Dense Point Cloud Based on the estimated camera positions and pictures themselves a dense point cloud is built by PhotoScan. The dense point cloud may be edited and classified prior to export or proceeding to 3D mesh model generation. 3. Mesh PhotoScan reconstructs a 3D polygonal mesh representing the object surface based on the dense or sparse point cloud according to the user's choice. 4. Orthomosaic After geometry (i.e. mesh) is reconstructed, it can be textured and/or used for orthomosaic generation.
Lets Start Processing! Find workflow tab at top of window Drop down menu will show “Add Photos” Click add Photos and find folder that’s labeled “AGIC Work Session Photos” Hold Ctrl, and press A to select all and click Open
After we add photos, we are going to want to save it as a PSX file After we add photos, we are going to want to save it as a PSX file. We need to do this to build an Orthomosaic photo. Click File, Save As, ensure “Save as Type” is PhotoScan Project (*.psx) .psx allows us to Build and Export and Orthomosaic Image
After Photos have been added, under workflow, Click Align Photos and choose Medium Accuracy What is the difference between low, medium, high? When aligning the photos the camera positions are estimated. Setting the accuracy to High will give more accurate camera positions. A low setting will give rough, less accurate positions
After Photos have been aligned, under workflow, Click Build Dense Cloud, choose medium Quality High quality will provide more detail and accuracy but requires longer processing times
After Dense Cloud has been Built, under workflow, Click Build mesh After Dense Cloud has been Built, under workflow, Click Build mesh. Follow parameters. Surface Type: Height Field Source Data: Dense Cloud Face Count: Match count to CAD software limitations Interpolation: Enabled Point Classes – Specify the classes in which to build the mesh from Calculate Vertex Colors: Checked
After Mesh has been built, under workflow, click Build Texture After Mesh has been built, under workflow, click Build Texture. Follow parameters. Mapping mode: Generic, Blending mode: Mosaic, Texture size/count (generated), Enable color correction: only check if needed, Enable hole filling: check
After Texture has been overlaid, click Build Orthomosaic, follow parameters Projection: Geographic Surface: Mesh Blending Mode: Mosaic Enable Color Correction: Only check if needed Pixel Size: Checked by default
Click File/Export Ortho, Save under parameters below with selected name
Navigate to saved TiFF File Location, and open file in picture Viewer. You can navigate the photo, zoom in and out
Thank you for participating in the Workshop! Bill Stull Branco Machinery 480-818-3588 Thank you for participating in the Workshop! Noah Ruiz Skynetwest 480-718-1045