A Day of Collaboration and Growth Welcome to the Hamilton County District In-service: A Day of Collaboration and Growth Have posted as teachers enter the room Encourage teachers to sit with at least two people that they do not know well. Start on time! August 4, 2011
Ice Breaker Greet the teachers and introduce yourselves Each group decided to use their own ice breaker. Be sure to have structures/protocols in place that provide equitable talk opportunities for each person. Go ahead and pass out the Reflections/Memorable Moments Sheet during this time.
Purpose and Vision Create an atmosphere of openness, collegiality and true professionalism through: Shared Norms and Common Language Promoting Professional Growth through Collaboration Engaging Students through Research-based Best Practices Encourage Reflective Practice Go over this slide. Ask teachers to purposely look for these throughout the day. Facilitators—Each of these will be represented throughout the day. Below shows where purpose ties into the day. These are just for your information. Shared Vision and Common Language: Common District-wide Norms, Pacing Guides, and Common Core Updates Promoting Professional Growth: Common Core, strategy sharing, lots of collaborative/networking time built into the day Engaging Students in Best Practices: Common Core, strategy sharing Research Based-practices: Common Core Reflective Practice: Reflection Sheet
Structure of the Day 8:30-9:45: Grade Level Session 9:45-9:55: Break/Transition 9:55-11:30: Elective Session 1 11:30-1:00: Lunch 1:00-2:35: Elective Session 2 2:35-3:00: School Department Time Briefly go over the schedule for the day.
Secondary Science District Norms Be respectful of other’s time — Begin and end on time Maintain an open and safe atmosphere for communication and collaboration Remain positive, task/purpose-focused, respectful, and courteous Actively participate and bring requested materials Share a sense of responsibility for student learning Be professional at all times Be the student you want in your class Be sure that the District Norms poster is visible in the room. These were taken directly from the teacher input during the January in-service. The seven norms listed are representative of common themes from every group. These will be our common norms at all district meetings and professional development. We ask that these also be used for school-based PD and team meetings. At the end of the day, each school will receive a poster to use at their campus.
Reflections and Memorable Moments Sheet Briefly point out that this sheet is to be used as a reflection and notes tool throughout the day.
Introduction to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) The overall theme (big picture) of these slides is that the Common Core is already here for math and language arts and science is not far behind. Although the content standards for science are not published, there are Science Common Core Standards imbedded in the Literacy ones. With the Common Core comes new common assessments. This will shape content by defining when, how and what will be taught. The actual Common Core assessments do not go into affect until the 2014-2015 SY, but the state will begin phasing them in earlier. A Common Core Science Framework is set to be “officially” released soon with the standards to follow soon. Websites for additional information are listed on the reflection sheet.
Science Common Core State Standards (CCSS)? Science content standards are being developed Same public development process as the existing math and language arts standards Science Common Core Framework is going to officially released soon There is a set of Literacy-based Science Common Core Standards
44 States and DC have adopted the Common Core State Standards
Tennessee Common Core State Standards Educator Timeline 2010 - 2011 School Year 2011 - 2012 School Year 2012 - 2013 School Year 2013 - 2014 School Year 2014 - 2015 School Year Curriculum: Teaching TN Diploma Project Standards selected Transition to TN Common Core Standards Curriculum: Teaching TN Diploma Project Standards selected Transition to TN Common Core Standards Curriculum: Teaching TN Diploma Project Standards Curriculum: Teaching TN Diploma Project Standards 3-12 K-2 CCSS Implementation Curriculum: Teaching TN Diploma Project Standards selected Transition to TN Common Core Standards Curriculum: Teaching TN Common Core Standards Curriculum: Teaching TN Diploma Project Standards selected Transition to TN Common Core Standards From math and language arts, K-1 is implementing this year. Second grade will put in as much of the Common Core as possible.
IMPLEMENTING THE PARCC ASSESSMENTS IN TENNESSEE PARCC stands for Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers. Two groups are creating assessments for the Common Core. They are PARCC and Smarter Balanced. Tennessee went with PARCC for it’s assessments.
PARCC States Notice that Tennessee is a governing state. The state adopted the Common Core State Standards in July 2010, and became a Governing State in the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers in the spring of 2010. As a “Governing Board State”, leaders from Tennessee’s K-12 and higher education communities are actively engaged in the development and implementaton of PARCC’s proposal for common, next-generation assessments.
Better Assessments Timely student achievement data Timely student achievement data Timely student achievement data 90% End- Of-Year START OF SCHOOL YEAR END OF SCHOOL YEAR Through-Course 1 Through-Course 2 25% 50% 75% 90% Through-Course 3 Timely student achievement data Through-Course 4* In 2014-2015, we will officially begin the PARCC’s 4 common assessments. These are being called the “Next Generation Assessments”. They will be heavy on the application of multiple concepts in each item. As of now, they will all be administered electronically. There will be 4 quarterly assessments with 1st quarter being over 25% of the curriculum, 2nd quarter over 50%, 3rd quarter over 75%, and 4th quarter over 90%. The high school is anticipating 3-4 EOC assessments, with the last possibly determining college placement. * Course 4 is for ELA and will assess Speaking/Listening.
PARCC Timeline Development begins SY 2011-12 Development begins SY 2012-13 First year pilot/field testing and related research and data collection SY 2013-14 Second year pilot/field testing and related research and data collection SY 2014-15 Full administration of PARCC assessments SY 2010-11 Launch and design phase Summer 2015 Set achievement levels, including college-ready performance levels Note that field test items are set to begin as early as 2012-2013 SY.
Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects Pass out the Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Give 2-3 minutes of Private Think Time for teachers to read over the Reading Standards (Grades 6-8) on Page 62. Give them a few minutes to discuss these in their small groups (specifically—How can I incorporate these in my classroom now?). There is also a set of Writing Standards (pages 64-66), but we will not be looking at them today. Both the reading and writing standards can begin being implemented now.
State Resources Please go on-line (if possible) and briefly demonstrate some of the resources on this site. You will want to play with it ahead of time to see what all is there. If you do not have internet access in the room, please use this slide and talk about some of the tools that are on there. The state is going to be releasing more tools later. This site is also listed on their Reflection Sheet. We are developing a Secondary Science Website that will have all of these links on it.
Pacing Guides Pass out the appropriate grade level pacing guide. Emphasize that they were adjusted to align to the state’s pacing guides as posted on tncurriculumcenter.org. Give them a few moments to look over them and note changes.
Strategy Sharing Use some time of protocol to make sure that everyone has a chance to share. Be sure to collect them so that we can send them out electronically. Pass out Information Sheets while they are sharing.
Information Sheets Use this as the ticket out of the door.