AMATYC President Jim Ham AMATYC President-Elect Ted Coe Achieve Jane Tanner AMATYC President Jim Ham AMATYC President-Elect Ted Coe Achieve
AMATYC’s Standards Documents 1995 CROSSROADS IN MATHEMATICS Standards for Introductory College Mathematics Before Calculus 2006 BEYOND CROSSROADS Implementing Mathematics Standards in the First Two Years of College IMPACT is a research document – the ideas presented are research-based. 2017 AMATYC IMPACT: Improving Mathematical PROWESS and College Teaching Affirms the previous standards with current research
The Four Pillars of PROWESS AMATYC IMPACT: Improving Mathematical PROWESS And College Teaching The Four Pillars of PROWESS PRoficiency OWnership Engagement Student Success
Contents of IMPACT Preface: Chapter 1: Making an IMPACT Enacting a Renewed Vision for Mathematics in the First Two Years of College Chapter 1: Making an IMPACT Generating the Ripple Effect Chapter 2: Who Are We? Finding Our Voice
Contents of IMPACT (Cont’d.) Chapter 3: Proficiency Developing Student’s Mathematical Knowledge Chapter 4: Ownership Taking Responsibility and Showing Initiative Chapter 5: Engagement Developing Intellectual Curiosity and Motivation in Learning Mathematics
Contents of IMPACT (Cont’d.) Chapter 6: Student Success Stimulating Student Achievement in Mathematics Chapter 7: Stakeholders Working Together to Accomplish Change Chapter 8: Implications for Research Moving the Research Agenda Forward in Mathematics in the First Two Years of College Chapter 9: IMPACTing the Future Answering the Call
Standards Committee A new AMATYC committee, Mathematics Standards in the First Two Years of College, has been created to promote the standards. The committee will be led by the chair, Julie Phelps, and the standards digital coordinator, Evan Evans. The committee will began its work on January 1, 2018. Membership in the committee is open to all AMATYC members. We encourage you join this committee on the AMATYC website commencing on January 1, 2018. Membership in the committee is open to all.
Content of IMPACT Live! ❖Best Practices – Multiple Categories ❖Research – Links and Collaboration ❖Blogs – Links and ‘Guest’ ❖Links – Organizations and Resources ●Talk ab●Talk about the website and that it’s a living document. These ideas can be updated so it’s important for members to visit often. Best Practice (in-class, assessment, professional development, etc.), Research (links to research documents and some way for people to find others interested in same topic), Blogs (have a blogger of the month?), out the website and that it’s a living document. These ideas can be updated so it’s important for members to visit often. Best Practice (inent, professional development, etc.), Research (links to research documents and some way for people to find others i
Location of IMPACT document AMATYC is looking for feedback on the IMPACT document. Please provide us with comments at the above link by Dec 31st. You can indicate the page of the specific pillar or chapter on which you are presenting – the pdf reader allows for the individual to indicate the page to which you want to go at the top. For example Ownership, chapter 4, begins on page 31. Open the document and put 31 in the page box and you will be at chapter 4.