Cross-Border-Cooperation in


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Presentation transcript:

Cross-Border-Cooperation in 2014-2020 What is CBC – a brief overview Estonia – Russia CBC Programme, Partner Search Forum St Petersburg, 7-8 September 2016

CBC: objectives and principles of EU funding CBC overarching aims CBC promotes cooperation between EU countries and neighbourhood countries sharing a land border or sea crossing. Funding can also be provided for a programme between several EU and neighbourhood countries which, for example, are part of the same sea basin. Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) supports sustainable development along the EU’s external borders, helps reducing differences in living standards and addressing common challenges across these borders.

Commitment and ownership of all countries Common legal framework CBC: main characteristics Commitment and ownership of all countries Balanced partnership: The project Applicant may be from any of the programme countries Project ownerships: actions shall be jointly developed by the partnership across the borders Common legal framework Programme Management structures jointly selected by all countries participating in the programme

ENI CBC: Legal and strategic framework Setting up the overall thematic objectives of CBC Main elements * ENI CBC programming document and implementing rules Concept of CBC of the Russian Federation Laying down the conditions for the application of the CBC legal framework Financing agreement signed by the Russian Federation Joint operational programme Estonia – Russia 2014-2020 National legislation First call for proposals 2016 * The complete list of the legal basis can be found in the Guidelines for Applicants

Added value of CBC Why a CBC programme? CBC ADDED VALUE Providing common solutions to common challenges (whether in the field of health, research and education, transport or sustainable energy) through CBC projects Enhancing mutual understanding across the borders through CBC projects Opening greater opportunities for people in the border regions through CBC projects

CBC: which added value? Why a CBC project ? The problems identified can be solved more efficiently jointly, instead of individual regions or countries acting alone Solutions are jointly developed going beyond the results independently achievable in the involved regions/areas Why a CBC project ? Common challenge to be jointly tackled Solutions to be jointly identified Real and balanced partnership Joint implementation All partners have to actively participate in the project according to their functions and competences The cross border working approach should be reflected in the project outputs Results of projects jointly designed for mutual benefit on both sides of the border are sustainable only through joint actions

CBC: TESIM A new Technical Assistance project, i.e. "Technical support to the implementation and management of ENI CBC programmes (TESIM)", has been set up by the EC in 2015. The objective of this project is to Give support to the CBC programmes on both programme and project level focusing on improving the capacity of CBC Partner Countries to participate in the programmes

Thank you for your attention!