Tara Neil MD Lisa Zak-Hunter PhD First Comes Love, Then Comes Marriage, Then Comes Residency - Helping Residents Learn Balance During Residency. Tara Neil MD Lisa Zak-Hunter PhD
Disclosures None
Literature 54% of physicians have symptoms of burnout 40% are satisfied with work life balance Changes in Burnout and Satisfaction With Work-Life Balance in Physicians and the General US Working Population Between 2011 and 2014. Shanafelt, Tait D. et al. Mayo Clinic Proceedings , Volume 90 , Issue 12 , 1600 - 1613
Literature Despite changes in practice environment Graduates are more likely to work less hours 80% feel like work encroaches on personal life Factors Affecting Physician Professional Satisfaction and Their Implications for Patient Care, Health Systems, and Health Policy. AMA 2013
Resident Demographics 54 Residents 80% Married/Coupled 2-3 newly married/yr 46% Parents 5-7 pregnancies/yr 15% Multiple Children 5 Medical Couples 26% ‘local’
Relationship Workshop Relationships Orientation Advisor Formal Curriculum Social Group Faculty Panel Relationship Workshop
Orientation Vacation planning Big life planning Vacation and LOA policies
Advisor Continual wellness Adaptation to the community Schedule planning
Curriculum 1st year meeting Wellness plans and meetings Annual retreat Managing relationships/concerns Wellness plans and meetings Plan 1st Meeting 2nd Meeting Annual retreat 1st year meeting Meet monthly to discuss well-being, check-in. Chiefs come and field questions. For the most part, flexible topics. One of the consistent topics is managing relationships Anticipated concerns Role of significant others and children Problems encountered in medical school Wellness Plans Plan has 3-4 behavioral items resident plans to do regularly to manage stress/practice their values. Encourage partnered residents to include a relationship-focused activity 1st meeting: Sept-ish review plan, discuss transition to residency, focus also on family transition, family well-being, local support. Told to discuss with their significant other. Follow-Up: Feb/March. Review of year. Plan for end of this year. How well pt and their family have fit in to community, coping with training, staying well as a couple, planning for next year (special focus on childbearing etc) Follow-up PRN in winter of PGY2 Retreat Residents AND couples come. Discuss topics such as: What predicts divorce and wellness Type A personality relationships Group discussion on managing relationships Gottmans’ sound marital house
Social Group Call back Residency events
Faculty Panel Yearly Pizza Party Offered to medical Students Diverse panel Discuss Relationship issues Open to questions
Relationship Workshop Every 18-24 months, 3 hr workshop Not required Faculty and residents attend Led by BH faculty who is an MFT Topics: What predicts relationship dissolution Communication and conflict resolution Increasing couple connection and closeness
Other Resources Relationship Counselor contacts Financial Planner Babysitter list Physician list Household outsourcing list
Activity Break!
Thoughts for the Future Relationship Retreats Female lunch- leadership and career planning Financial Panel
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