BELLWORK: Block 1 How did new Renaissance values change the mindset of Europeans during the period? What is Christian Humanism? Goal? (pg. 366) Define.


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Presentation transcript:

BELLWORK: Block 1 How did new Renaissance values change the mindset of Europeans during the period? What is Christian Humanism? Goal? (pg. 366) Define indulgence. THINKER: Today we will begin our study of church Reformation. To review  List three problems people had with the church.

How Renaissance values created change within the Catholic Church Reformation How Renaissance values created change within the Catholic Church

Reformation: The Beginnings Reformation: (1517-1563) a change in the Church’s ways of practicing and teaching Christianity. Causes: New Renaissance mindset Discontent over Church policies and practices Church authority over society The sale of indulgences abused church authority by exploiting people’s fear of hell

Religion is a good concept, but the people running it are corrupt! THE MAIN IDEA!!! Religion is a good concept, but the people running it are corrupt!

Protestant Reformation In Germany, the demand for church reform produced a new form of Christianity called Protestantism. This started the Protestant Reformation; led by monk & professor - Martin Luther. Famous for his “95 Theses” that criticized church practices, power & corruption (1517)

Luther’s Popularity Grows! Luther’s supporters became known as Protestants because they protested the church.

What were Luther’s criticisms? Topics of 95 Theses: Baptism Powers of clergy Indulgences Removing sin Punishment for heresy Use of confession Bible in Latin

When put on trial for heresy, Luther refused to recant his views.

Martin Luther video/Wkst Since Martin Luther was the most famous reformist we are going to watch a video about his changes and conflicts within the Catholic church. As we watch, you must fill out this graphic organizer. TE Video

What is Lutheranism? Who was John Calvin? How did his beliefs differ from Luther? (page 372) What is a theocracy? How was this used in Calvinism? What is the Anglican church? (page 373) How is it different than traditional Protestantism? THINKER: Make a prediction  How did the Catholic Church respond to the growing popularity of Protestantism?

John Calvin John Calvin was a reformer who studied Protestantism. In the mid 1500’s, Calvin set up his own theocracy in Geneva, Switzerland. Theocracy: a church-run state

John Calvin’s Beliefs God possesses all-encompassing power and knowledge… not the clergy God alone directs everything that has happened in the past, present, and future. Predestination: God determines the fate of every person

The Anglican Church King Henry VIII wanted a divorce  Catholic Church said no  created his own church! The Anglican Church (or Church of England) was created in 1534. Declared that the King was “the only supreme head of the Church of England.” No hierarchy of power within the church, clergy could marry, and divorce is legal.

Catholic Reformation Many countries in Europe remained Catholic during the Protestant Reformation. Catholic power was threatened by Protestant’s increasing popularity. To counter this, the Catholic Church decided to enact its own reforms  Counter-Reformation The Catholic Reformation eliminated indulgences, established seminaries, introduced censorship & reestablished pope authority within the Church.

Reformation Review Causes and Effects

Reformation Review To review Reformation, you will complete a cause/effect chart in your notes. Think of this as an overview of the unit! Cause & Effect will be the topic of your fall final essay Causes  Why did Reformation happen? Problems? Demands? New ideas? Effects  What changed because of Reformation? Protestantism? Calvinism? Counter-Reformation?