ERASMUS+ KEY ACTION 2 Cooperation for Innovation& the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships VET (KA202) Adult Education (KA204) W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
PART 1 PART 2 PART 3 PART 4 General Information on KA2 Partnerships 2018 Priorities PART 3 Eligible Activities/Costs PART 4 Questions W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
PART 1 General Information on KA2 Partnerships W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
WHAT IS A STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP ? Partnerships between at least 3 organizations from 3 different Programme countries that aim to support: the implementation of joint initiatives promoting cooperation, peer learning and exchanges of experience at European level the development, transfer and/or implementation of innovative practices W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
WHO CAN SUBMIT A KA2 APPLICATION? WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Any private or public organization that is situated in a Programme or Partner country The participation of Partner countries needs to be fully justified WHO CAN SUBMIT A KA2 APPLICATION? Only the coordinator of the project. The coordinating organization needs to be situated in a Programme country W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
ELIGIBLE ORGANIZATIONS (1/2) higher education institutions schools/educational centers at any level including vocational education and adult education research institutes public/private, small/medium/large enterprises public bodies (local, regional or national level) social partners (trade unions, chambers of commerce etc) W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
ELIGIBLE ORGANIZATIONS (2/2) inter-company training centers bodies providing career guidance, professional counselling bodies validating knowledge, skills and competences (formal, non-formal, informal) non-profit organisations, NGOs European Youth NGOs Informal groups of young people active in youth work W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
PROJECT DURATION 12-36 months Earliest start date: 01.09.2018 Latest possible implementation date: 31.08.2021 For projects with duration less than 36 months: possible extension up to 6 months without budget increase W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
TYPES OF A STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP (SP) SPs supporting Exchange of Good Practices Gain experience in international cooperation, exchange practices and strengthen the capacities of participating organizations SPs supporting Innovation All the above + production of high quality innovative deliverables: curricula, courses, common modules, surveys, ways of improving qualification frameworks/credit transfer/recognition/validation W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
WHAT ACTIVITIES ARE SUPPORTED IN A SP? (1/2) Activities that strengthen the cooperation and networking between organisations Testing/implementation of innovative practices in the field of education, training and youth Activities that facilitate the recognition/validation of knowledge/ skills/competences acquired through (in)formal, non-formal learning Cooperation between regional authorities to promote the development of education, training and youth systems W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
WHAT ACTIVITIES ARE SUPPORTED IN A SP? (2/2) Activities that support learners with special needs to complete education cycles and facilitate their transition into the labour market Activities that better prepare and deploy the education and training of professionals for equity, diversity and inclusion challenges in the learning environment Activities for the integration of refugees/asylum seekers/migrants Transnational initiatives fostering entrepreneurial mind-sets and skills, to encourage active citizenship and entrepreneurship W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
PART 2 2018 Priorities W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
HORIZONTAL PRIORITIES Development of relevant and high-quality skills and competences Social inclusion (address diversity, promote equality) Open education and innovative practices in a digital era Strengthen the recruitment, selection, induction, professional development of educators Sustainable investment, performance and efficiency Transparency, recognition of skills and qualifications Social and educational value of European cultural heritage W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
PRIORITIES IN VET Internationalization strategy of VET learners and apprentices (institutional/contractual frameworks for quality mobility work placements/apprentices abroad) Promotion of work-based learning in all its forms Setting up or testing graduate tracking arrangements as part of quality assurance systems in line with EQAVET Strengthening key competences in initial and continuing VET (especially literacy, numeracy and digital) Professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
PRIORITIES IN ADULT EDUCATION Offering learning opportunities tailored to the needs of individual low-skilled adults (literacy, numeracy,digital competences) Validation of skills acquired through informal and non-formal learning Development of mechanisms to monitor the effectiveness of adult learning policies Professional development of adult educators for teaching low- skilled adults W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
SECTORAL & CROSS-SECTORAL SPS Depending on the objectives of the project, the priorities it addresses and its expected impact a SP: may carry out activities that focus in a specific field (ex VET or Adult) SECTORAL SPs OR promote cross-sectoral cooperation and achieve objectives in several fields of education, training and youth CROSS-SECTORAL SPs W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
PART 3 Eligible Activities/Costs W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
1. PROJECT MANAGEMENT & IMPLEMENTATION What can be covered? Planning, finances, coordination and communication between partners Small scale learning/teaching/training materials, tools etc. Information, promotion, dissemination (flyers, leaflets, websites) Participants travel insurance Costs for additional participants in mobilities Possible hosting expenses W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
2. TRASNATIONAL PROJECT MEETINGS For planning, coordination, evaluation, preparation, dissemination Hosted by one of the participating organisations Participants in TPM need to have a formal link with beneficiary organizations (staff of the project) Package for travel and subsistence costs, regardless of the duration of the meeting (online distance band calculator) W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
3. INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (1/2) What can be considered as an IO? Tangible large scale deliverables of the project such as curricula, pedagogical and youth work materials, open educational resources (OER), IT tools, analyses, studies, peer-learning methods etc. W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
3. INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS (2/2) Only IOs that have been approved Number of days of work per person on the basis of timesheets (days x unit per day – according to staff category & country) Only staff members of beneficiaries can be declared NO SUBCONTRACTING for the production of IOs Staff categories “manager” & “administrative staff”: only if applied for and adequately justified and approved by the coordinating NA W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
4. MULTIPLIER EVENTS What can be considered as a ME? A conference, workshop, seminar that disseminates the results of any approved IO of the partnership If an approved IO is not developed its respective ME is ineligible Only participants from organisations other than the beneficiaries can be counted in for the number of persons (locals and internationals) W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
5. LEARNING TEACHING TRAINING ACTIVITIES (1/2) What can be considered as an LTT Activity? Short-term joint staff training events Intensive Study Programmes (for HEI) Blended mobility of learners (short-term physical mobility combined with virtual mobility) Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils Long-term teaching or training assignments Long-term study mobility of pupils/youth workers W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
5. LEARNING TEACHING TRAINING ACTIVITIES (2/2) Who can participate? Persons who have a direct link with a beneficiary organisation: - Staff of beneficiary organizations (Professors, teachers, trainers and educational administrative staff employed at a participating organisation) - Learners: Students of HEI, Apprentices, VET students, adult learners, pupils of any age accompanied by school staff W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
5. LEARNING TEACHING TRAINING ACTIVITIES (3/3) Travel and Subsistence costs are separate The eligible minimum duration of mobility activities is the minimum duration of the activity excluding travel Individual support eligible for travel days if requested (travel days: 1 day before the beginning of the activity and 1 following the last day of the activity) Travel Support to participants within the same country is eligible if the distance between the place of departure* and place of arrival is at least 10km (online distance calculator) and more than 2 different Programme countries participate in the LTT The activities take place at the premises of the hosting organization * Place of departure: the place of the sending organisation Place of arrival: place of the hosting organisation W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
6. SPECIAL NEEDS For participation in LTTs &TPMs Support on the basis of real costs for participants with special needs and accompanying persons Includes all costs and all means of travel from the point of origin to the point of destination (including travel from/to the airport to/from the hotel) 100% of the eligible costs actually incurred Reporting and receipts needed W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
7. EXCEPTIONAL COSTS Sub-contracting of goods and services that cannot be provided by beneficiaries themselves Depreciation costs of equipment purchased (no office equipment) In the case of equipment purchase/rental/ lease only the amount corresponding to the share of time of the use of the equipment of the project can be claimed 75% of the eligible costs actually incurred W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
AN EXAMPLE OF A STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP (1/2) "A SP that supports project-based collaboration between enterprises, students and staff of VET secondary institutions. The SP aims to develop, to test and to adapt a joint curriculum between participating VET institutions that is based on a real-life approach." The specific SP would include activities such as: Transnational Project meetings Production of IOs (the joint curriculum which allows VET schools to follow a joint programme delivered by different partners) Multiplier Events for the dissemination of Ios LTTs (joint staff trainings, mobilities for VET learners in enterprises) W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
AN EXAMPLE OF A STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP (2/2) The partnership ideally would consist of secondary VET institutions, enterprises, SMEs, as well as national authorities that could validate the final product of the SP (the joint curriculum) and further disseminate it on a national level W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y
THANK YOU !!! Questions? Thekla Christodoulidou Tel. : +357-22448893 W W W . E R A S M U S P L U S . C Y