Made to last forever Graeme Sterne 2005
Tabs on Clothing * Made in India * Made in New Zealand * Made to last forever
Four things will last forever * God Himself * God’s Word Matt 24.35 * Love 1 Cor. 13.13 * People John 5:28
This life is preparation for the next This life is not all there is. Death is not the end of you A time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear His voice and come out The next life is not on this earth Everyone must die once and then be judged by God Every act of our lives strikes a chord that will vibrate in eternity
When you live in the light of eternity Your values change You use your time wisely You use your money differently You place a higher premium on relationships And character Instead of fame, wealth, achievements comfort or even fun
What is the unspoken metaphor of your life? A bee A castle A lantern A sniper An unused race track A beautiful dress A tool kit A heart Busy Impregnable Providing light Sneak attacking Full of potential Attractive, expensive Useful Loving, compassionate
Life on this earth is a preparation for the next Tests and trials reveal our character Decisions are windows into our soul Blessings are given to us for the benefit of others. The more God gives us the more responsible he expects us to be. Life is a temporary assignment We are Christ’s ambassadors We believe there is a life for us beyond this one
What on earth are you here for? Living for God’s glory is the greatest achievement we can accomplish with our lives.
How can I bring glory to God? By worshipping Him More than praising, singing, praying Enjoying God, loving Him, giving ourselves to be used for His purposes.
Some Leading By loving others By becoming like Christ By telling others about Him
What are you living for? When you use your life for God’s glory, Everything you do can become an act of worship.