Finding or losing our soul Matthew 16:25-26
What comprises a hUmAN BEING? Body and soul Body Soul Material Immaterial Mortal and dies Everlasting Precious Irreplaceable (unique)
If a soul is lost (and we are all born lost) Isaiah 53:6 Is there any point gaining everything you want in the world and losing your soul? If a soul is lost (and we are all born lost) Isaiah 53:6 it is alienated from god (by sin) and after death continues in hell in consciousness of god’s wrath If a soul is found (by Christ) I Peter 2:24, John 10:11, Luke 19:10 it is back in its proper place safe and related to God. No longer under wrath.
So keeping it for yourself you actually lose it! Surrendering it to Christ you find it What will you do?