Uganda Country Progress Report Dr. Richard Edema/ Prof. Paul Gibson Prof. John Baptist Kirabira/ Dr. Michael Lubwama Prof. Julius Mwine/Dr. Jude Ssebuwufu Dr. Cassim Tolo/Dr. Patrick Ogwang Technical and Advisory Meeting April 27 – 29, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Mbarara University of Science and Technology Uganda Martyrs University African Centre of Excellence in Materials, Product Development & Nanotechnology (MAPRONANO) Makerere Univ. Centre for Crop Improvement (MaRCCI) Pharm-Biotechnology & Traditional Medicine Center (PHARMBIOTRAC) Uganda Martyrs Univ.(Private) African Center of Excellence in Agroecology and Livelihood Systems (ACALISE) IDA credit- US$ 24 Million Makerere University Mbarara University of Science and Technology Uganda Martyrs University
Progress at ACEs - Attaining Effectiveness (DLI # 1) Condition Progress Approved Implementation Plan (IP) Parliament approval Establishment of the National Steering Comm. Signed Loan Financing Agreement (FA) Signed Performance and Funding Agreements (PFAs) Legal Opinion on the Loan FA & PFAs Completed; 2016 Completed; 15th Feb, 2017 Completed; 24th Mar, 2017 Completed; 17th Mar, 2017 Completed; 21st April, 2017 Due 15th May 2017
Attaining Effectiveness (DLI # 1) – What is left for institutional readiness? Legal Opinion on the FA & PFAs Creation of ACE designated account Initiated for PHARMBIOTRAC; Awaiting Official Univ approvals in MaRCCI, MAPRONANO & ACALISE Recruitment of key project personnel underway in all 4 ACEs – (Project Mgr/Accounts Asst) Advertised, shortlisted, carried/carrying out interviews Appointment of Project Staff in the next few weeks Procurement initiated (limited by Univ. admin.) Office space & ACEs facilities identified Anticipated Disbursement (DLI # 1)=$1,100,000
Progress at ACEs - Excellence in education and research capacity and development impact (DLI # 2) Anticipated Disbursement from DLI # 1=$4,300,000 Achievements DLR Condition ACAL MAPR MaRCC PHAR #2.2: Newly enrolled students (20% regional (African) students Yes Yes #2.3: Accreditation of new progms No No #2.4: Partnerships Init’d Init’d #2.5 Peer-reviewed publications (ongoing—what counts toward DLR?) #2.6: Faculty& PhD student exchanges Yes #2.7 External revenue generation (ongoing—what counts toward DLR?) #2.8: Institution benchmarking
Challenges Delayed effectiveness of the ACEs Exhaustion of intuitional revenues in unplanned ACE activities Complexities of implementations Several key players involved Layers of Univ. admin, RFU, WB Project Leaders, WB Country Officials who MUST all be on the “same page” – NOT uncoordinated movement of troops Lack of a clear understanding of Financial and Reporting Procedures IMPLEMENTATION SUPPORT IS REQUIRED !!