The Key to Successful Living in Trying Times. James 5:7—11. A Study of the Epistle of James.
Await the Lord’s return with long-suffering, establishing your heart in truth, guarding unity. Spiritual Life Principle:
Patient Endurance in Christ yields a great harvest. We Practice Endurance, long-suffering with respect to persons, 2 Tim. 4:2. Because Christ’s return is near, Parousia, imminently close, at the door. This is our great hope, Titus 2:13, Because Jesus is the judge. He will meet out justice.
Patient Endurance in Christ yields a great harvest. Because it is part of the process. The farmer is diligent to prepare for harvest despite the weather. It yields RIGHTEOUSNESS, Heb. 12:11, discipline = training not punishment. Like a coach makes you run wind sprints.
Establishing our hearts stabilizes us in trial. To Establish is in the active voice and means to prop up. Instead of grumbling, crumbling or running we are to speak truth to our hearts. To Establish our hearts: DO NOT focus on others and so grumble against them.
Establishing our hearts stabilizes us in trial. DO Focus on TRUTH: Consider, The Prophets. They spoke truth to God’s people but were shamed, ridiculed and killed. Yet they remained steadfast. Job. Was tested by Satan and stripped of everything. YET, he did not curse God. he remained steadfast.
Guarding our hearts promotes peace in the fellowship. Part of Establishing our hearts is guarding them from speaking & thinking evil against each other. The Greek is defined as internal groaning or sighing. It is a grudge that we carry inside. Grumbling fractures unity. Gal. 5:13—15,
Spiritual Life Principle Application: Await the Lord’s return, establish your heart, guard unity. I am patient in trials. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I harbor no ill toward another. YES NO IF NO, I am willing to confess and forgive my brother or sister. YES NO