Welcome to the Year 4 Curriculum Evening. Teacher: miss wilkins Teaching assistant: mrs speight
Who are our global Caretakers? We Are! 2017/2018 Overview Autumn Spring Summer Maths Number- Place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division/ Geometry Number- Place value, Roman Numerals, addition, subtraction, fractions including decimals Statistics; Measurement Properties of a shape Position and direction Number- place value, addition, subtraction, decimals, fractions, Statistics Literacy Fiction- Adventure Stories, Stories with Historical Settings Non-Fiction - Newspapers – Report an event using quotes Poetry Fiction - Stories from other cultures – Play scripts Non-Fiction - Non- chronological reports Poetry Fiction - Imaginary Worlds - Moral Dilemmas Non-Fiction - Persuasive Writing Poetry Science Changing states/Electricity All living things/Sound Animals including Humans/ History Romans Ancient Egypt Geography Where on Earth? Why the weather? Who are our global Caretakers? We Are!
2017/2018 Overview Art DT Computing Music RE PE PSHE French Autumn Spring Summer Art Mosaics Observational drawing Hieroglyphics DT Roman Sandals Pyramids Computing LS Music Listening appraising/ composing/ performing RE What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? Why is Jesus inspiring to some people? Why are festivals important to some religious communities? Why do some people think that life is like a journey and what significant experiences mark this? PE Invasion Games/ Gymnastics Indoor Athletics/ dance Swimming/ Athletics/ Striking and fielding games PSHE Getting along Betrayal and forgiveness Internet safety French Encore! Les fetes On mange!
Literacy Range of fiction and non-fiction units studied across the year. We will look at the features of the texts and develop our own text over 2 or 3 weeks. We will use our literacy skills across all areas of the curriculum. Guided Reading- Every child will be heard reading at least once per week. Grammar is taught within the literacy units and revisited regularly. Key Grammar: Conjunctions, extending sentences, nouns and pronouns, nouns and adverbs to represent time and cause, fronted adverbials, punctuating speech.
Mathematics Geometry Measurement Statistics Number Recall multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12. Counting in 6, 7, 9, 25, 1000. 1000 more or less Negative numbers Place Value Round to nearest 10, 100, 1000 Roman numerals Formal addition and subtraction to 4-digit numbers Multiply 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers Fractions of a whole number Geometry Classifying and comparing shapes. Acute and obtuse angles Identifying lines of symmetry (2D) Drawing symmetrical lines Describe grid coordinates Plot coordinates Describing movements such as translations Measurement Convert between units of measure Perimeter by measure and scales Comparing and estimating Read analogue and digital time in both 12hr and 24hr clocks Problem solving Statistics Interpret and represent data Solve comparison questions
Science States of Matter Sound All Living Things Compare group materials Observe and report how some materials change through heating or cooling Identify the roles of these states of matter play in the water cycle. Sound Identifying how sound is made Recognising that sound travels through vibration Looking for patterns within vibration and pitch Looking for patterns within vibration and volume Distance vs volume All Living Things Grouping animals in different ways Classifying animals (links to statistics) Habitats Recognising how climate change affects habitats and living things Animals (including humans) Simple functions of the digestive systems Identifying different teeth types and their functions Food chains Electricity Identifying uses of electricity in everyday life Constructing simple circuits Identify and fix problems in the circuitry The usefulness of switches Conductive materials
PE PE IS ON A MONDAY AND THURSDAY! Invasion Games Ball games, Problem solving Gymnastics Rolling and Balancing Dance Motifs, linking movements to create a sequence Indoor Athletics Athletics Swimming Striking and fielding games Quick Cricket/ Rounders PE IS ON A MONDAY AND THURSDAY! Every child must have plimsolls in their PE bag! Standing long jump Throwing Sprint Borough Olympic Sports
History and Geography In History we shall be studying the Romans and Ancient Egyptians. Romans Roman legends The Roman invasion of Britain Roman Entertainment Boudicca Roman buildings and legacy Ancient Egyptians Who are the Ancient Egyptians? Mummies What was life like in Ancient Egypt? Tutankhamun Egyptian Gods
Geography In Geography we will be studying: Where on earth? Map reading and locating skills Lines of longitude and latitude Identify key locations on a world map. Why the weather? Difference between climate and weather Measuring elements of the weather Who are the global caretakers? We are! Global climate change Recycling
RE In RE we learn through exploring questions. The questions we will be looking at this year are: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? Why is Jesus inspiring to some people? Why are festivals important to some religious communities? Why do some people think that life is like a journey and what significant experiences mark this?
Art and DT Art Mosaics Observational drawing Hieroglyphics DT Roman Sandals Pyramids Children will plan and design before creating finished pieces. They will then evaluate their work. We will look at artists, designers and architects and use a variety of techniques in our work.
PSHE/Music/ French PSHE- Music French The children will explore and address issues around: Getting Along Betrayal and forgiveness Internet Safety Music Children will listen and appraise different pieces of music. They will use percussion and tuned instruments to play and perform They will compose and improvise using the inter-related dimensions of music French Encore! – Revising pronouns (he, she, I), describing people, saying hello Les fetes- Celebrations On mange- Food.
Homework Children are expected to read at least 3 times per week. Please discuss the books with your child, ask questions: what happened? How do you know? What might happen next? Sign their reading record. These will be checked in school. Maths Homework Spellings plus a task Handwriting Topic on Occasion Homework will be given out on a Friday and submitted the following Wednesday
Appointments and Communication Please write a note to be handed in via the child Email: admin@horndon-on-the-hill.Thurrock.sch.uk Reply slips to go through class pot system to the office Arrange an appointment at the office to see me Drop in