3 5 Math is Fun 2 1 4
Web Pages For Children http://www.toytheater.com/ http://funschool.kaboose.com/index.html http://www.ixl.com/ http://www.mathplayground.com/logicgames.html http://www.smartmath.britannica.com/
PK Space Race: Counting Fruit Fall: Counting and Bar graphs 1 PK Space Race: Counting Fruit Fall: Counting and Bar graphs How Many: Number recognition and matching numbers with quantities Differences: Finding differences More Less: Compare quantities Off Frogs: Counting and subtracting
KINDER Pinball: Subtraction Matching: Symmetry Order: Ordinal numbers 1 Pinball: Subtraction Matching: Symmetry Order: Ordinal numbers Addition Pull: Addition Bingo: Addition and subtraction Math Quiz: Addition and subtraction Flash Cards: Addition and subtraction Bowling: Counting tens and ones
FIRST GRADE Number Patterns: Complete the series 1 Number Patterns: Complete the series Secret Number: Addition and subtraction Bingo: Addition and Sutraction Addition Scale: Addition with more than 2 numbers Math Test: Addition and subtraction 2 digits Clock: Practice telling time Moves: Space and counting
Web Pages For Teachers http://www.eduplace.com/math/mathsteps/index.html What is it? Refresh your memory with an overview of the topic. Lesson Ideas Here you'll find at least two complete lesson scripts to use with your class. Tips and Tricks Share your ideas for ways to manage your classroom, speed learning, and handle difficulties. When Students Ask Find answers to common questions students ask.
SECUENCES (PATTERS AND FUNCTIONS) 2 Circus Simon PK 1 to 5 K 5 to 8 FG 7 to 10 Replay Sequences This game teaches children math sequences using elephants, clowns, and lions. Also helps kids develop their motor skills and memory skills.
SHAPE AND SPACE All Aboard 2 All Aboard PK + K Level 1= Easy. Build whatever you want, however you want to build it, using different track and scenery pieces. K + FG Level 2 = More Difficult. Build a track that gets your train from the Train Station to Points A and B. You will need to avoid obstacles (scenery) in the setting. FG Level 3 = Hard. Build a track that gets your train from the Train Station to Points A, B, and C. You will need to avoid more obstacles (scenery) in the setting.
NUMBER Math Popper Addition Attack 2 Math Popper Addition Attack Ideal to practice addition and subtraction skills. The objective of the game is to pop the balloons with the correct answer before time runs out! In this math space game, kids must add single-and-double-digit numbers together while shooting spaceships trying to invade Earth. Kinder Level 1: Number bonds FG Level 2: Number facts / Level 3+4: Adding 2 digits
NUMBER Dr. Brain's Robot Cannon Math 2 Dr. Brain's Robot Cannon Math This game helps kids to learn and practice addition and subtraction skills. Children should take a chip put it on the robot’s head and activate the green button Children can learn about addition, space, force and movement. Kinder level 1: simple additions FG Levels 2+3
ixl.com prekinder Comparing quantities Count to 10 Positions Classify
ixl.com kinder Numbers and counting up to 20 Count tens and ones - up to 30 Skip-counting Comparing quantities Patterns Adding and Subtracting Probability Data and graphs Measurement Identify solid figures Symmetry Positions
ixl.com First Grade Fractions 2 and 3-D shapes Symmetry Spatial sense Data and graphs Probability Measurement Time Sorting, ordering, and classifying Counting Number patterns Addition and subtraction Addition word problems - sums to 18 Subtraction word problems Fact families Number Patterns