Neighbourhood Management Survey 2010/11 Glasgow Community Planning Partnership Neighbourhood Management Survey 2010/11 CPP summary: Maryhill/Kelvin & Canal
Background local communities and service providers working together to improve and join up services responding to local need introduced in Glasgow in 2007 underpinned by robust evidence gathered from large residents survey outcomes: focussing additional investment in key priorities and re-alignment of some local services
Methodology face to face household survey conducted by BMG Research, managed by GHA representative sample at a ward level by tenure, age, gender, ethnicity and economic status 6,934 interviews conducted Citywide between December 2010 and February 2011 confidence of +/-1.18% at the 95% level increases for CPP level results – 546 interviews in local CPP area. Confidence of +/- 4.2%
Key Findings (1) most people are satisfied with local neighbourhood as a place to live most feel they belong in the area most residents feel safe in their neighbourhood, an increase since 2007 what would local residents change? more police on the streets more jobs including for young people more play areas for younger children
Key Findings (2) residents are most positive about a number of amenities/facilities of local CPP area: access to shops attractive homes less positive about: youth provision/activities for young people children’s play areas most commonly reported problems: drunk or rowdy behaviour/street drinking disruptive children/teenagers vandalism/graffiti drug use or dealing
Key Findings (3) most rate a range of public services as good including rubbish collection, local health services, transport half rate policing as good, a significant increase since 2007 only 37% rate youth and leisure services as good, but this has also increased since 2007 environmental issues of concern: dog roaming/fouling litter graffiti untidy gardens
Summary Changes Key Indicators 2010/11 2007 Change since 2007 (p.p) % Satisfied with neighbourhood 85% 89% -4 % Feeling safe in neighbourhood 71% 65% +6 Attractive environment - % rating as good 80% 68% +12 Parks/open spaces - % rating as good 79% 53% +26 Childrens play areas - % rating as good 56% 29% +27 Street drinking - % reporting as a problem 25% 18% +7 Vandalism/graffiti - % reporting as a problem 22% 17% +5 Road safety - % reporting as a problem 15% 20% -5 Street litter - % reporting as a problem 41% 21% +20 Fly Tipping/Dumping - % reporting as a problem 24% 11% +13 Rubbish collection - % reporting as good 84% 87% -3 Policing - % reporting as good 49% 28% +21 Youth/Leisure services - % reporting as good 37%
Housing and neighbourhood
Satisfaction with neighbourhood as a place to live Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with your neighbourhood as a place to live? % satisfied: Citywide = 87% 2007 local CPP = 89% * denotes less than 0.5%
Do you believe your neighbourhood has become a better place to live, a worse place to live or has it remained the same over the last year? % better: Citywide = 9% 2007 local CPP = 15%
Reasons why the neighbourhood is better or worse (top 10 reasons)
What one thing, if anything, would you change about your neighbourhood that would help improve your quality of life?
How would you rate the quality of your neighbourhood in terms of each of the following...% rating as good?
How would you rate the quality of your neighbourhood in terms of each of the following...% rating as good? CPP 2010 Citywide 2010 % difference CPP 2007 Attractive homes 86% 0% - Attractive neighbourhood 81% 83% -2% Attractive environment 80% -1% 68% +12% Quiet and peaceful environment 82% 78% +3% Park/open spaces 79% 74% +5% 53% +26% Children’s play areas 56% 49% +7% 29% +27% Access to shops 88% Access to banks -3% Access to Credit unions 63% +10% Reputation 76% Cleanliness / free of rubbish or litter 72% Youth provision / activities for young people 55% 48%
Are each of the following a serious problem, a slight problem or not a problem in the local area...? % a problem
Are each of the following a serious problem, a slight problem or not a problem in the local area...? % a problem CPP 2010 Citywide 2010 % difference CPP 2007 Problems with neighbours including noise/loud parties 13% 14% -1% - - Disruptive children/teenagers 24% 22% +2% Drunk or rowdy behaviour 25% +3% Street Drinking 21% +4% 18% +7% Drug use or drug dealing 15% Harassment/racial harassment 8% 7% +1% Vandalism/graffiti 19% 17% +5% Vehicle break in/theft 10% 5% +10% House break ins/burglary 3% Personal safety/security 12% 9% Road safety 20% -5% Safety of children +6% Safety of other vulnerable groups Other types of crime
Have you personally experienced any of the following problems specifically with a neighbour or any of your neighbours in the past year?
Reporting problems in the neighbourhood 55% reported the problem experienced The largest proportion reported Housing Associations (45%) and Strathclyde Police (43%) 38% are satisfied with the way their problem was dealt with, with 59% dissatisfied (cf. Glasgow, 43%, 40%) The most common reasons for not reporting the problem are: It’s none of my business (16%); and It wasn’t a serious problem to report (17%)
How safe would you feel walking alone in your area after dark? % safe / unsafe: - Citywide = 74% / 11% - 2007 local CPP = 65% / 23%
To what extent do you feel that you belong to this neighbourhood? % strongly: - Citywide = 85%
Cleansing and environment
How would you rate the quality of the following services in and around your local area?
How would you rate the quality of the following services in and around your local area? - % reporting as good CPP 2010 Citywide 2010 % difference CPP 2007 Rubbish collection 84% 85% -1% 87% -3% Youth and leisure services 37% 36% +1% 17% +20% Policing 49% 54% -5% 28% +21% Health centre/GP 89% -4% 81% +4% Public Transport 79% 82% 80%
Could you tell me whether the following are a serious problem, slight problem, or not a problem in your local area...?
- % reporting as a problem Could you tell me whether the following are a serious problem, slight problem, or not a problem in your local area...? - % reporting as a problem CPP 2010 Citywide 2010 % difference CPP 2007 Abandoned/burnt out vehicles 10% 4% +6% Litter in the streets 41% 0% 21% +20% Untidy gardens 25% 24% +1% 14% +11% Untidy communal areas 20% -1% 15% +5% Dirty stairs/closes 17% +3% 13% +4% Graffiti 27% +10% 19% +8% Fly tipping and dumping 11% +13% Pets/animals roaming/dog fouling 43% 39% - General maintenance of open spaces 18% Car parking -3%
Taking account of views / opportunities for involvement
How much account do you feel that GCC takes of residents’ views when making decisions?
What are your preferred methods about having your say about GCC services?
Thank you