Bell Ringer #7 Tuesday, November 14, 2017 What determines color? The color of an opaque object is the color of the light it reflects. The color of a transparent or translucent object is the color it transmits. How do colors combine? When 3 primary colors of light combine equally, they produce white light. When the 3 primary colors of pigments combine equally, they produce black .
Unit 4 – Wave Behaviors and EM Waves Chapter 4 – Light Lesson 1 – Light and Color (Pages 116 – 121)
SCCCR Standards 8.P.3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the properties and behaviors of waves. 8.P.3A. Waves (including sound and seismic waves, waves on water, and light waves) have energy and transfer energy when they interact with matter. Waves are a repeating pattern of motion that transfers energy from place to place without overall displacement of matter. All types of waves have some features in common. When waves interact, they superimpose upon or interfere with each other resulting in changes to the amplitude. Major modern technologies are based on waves and their interactions with matter. 8.P.3A.5 Construct explanations for how humans see color as a result of the transmission, absorption, and reflection of light waves by various materials.
SCCCR Science and Engineering Practices 8.S.1: The student will use the science and engineering practices, including the processes and skills of scientific inquiry, to develop understandings of science content. 8.S.1A. The practices of science and engineering support the development of science concepts, develop the habits of mind that are necessary for scientific thinking, and allow students to engage in science in ways that are similar to those used by scientists and engineers. 8.S.1A.6 Construct explanations of phenomena using (1) primary or secondary scientific evidence and models, (2) conclusions from scientific investigations, (3) predictions based on observations and measurements, or (4) data communicated in graphs, tables, or diagrams.
Essential Questions What determines color? How do colors combine?
Vocabulary Transparent A type of material that transmits light without scattering it Translucent a type of material that scatters light as it passes through it Opaque A type of material that reflects or absorbs all of the light that strikes it Primary color One of 3colors that can be used tomake any other color
Vocabulary Secondary color A color produced by combining equal amounts of any 2 primary colors Complementary color Any 2 colors that combine to form white light Pigment A colored chemical compound that absorbs light A colored substance used to color other materials
What determines color? (P. 116) It depends how light interacts with an object (reflected, transmitted or absorbed) Light passes through transparent objects Translucent material scatters light that passes through it Opaque material reflects or absorbs all of the light that strikes it
Opaque objects Color depends on the wavelength of the light the object reflects Example an apple is red because it reflects the red light while it absorbs all of the other colors.
Transparent and Translucent objects The color of a transparent or translucent object is the color of the light it transmits. Example: If white light shines through a blue glass, the glass appears blue because it transmits blue light.
How do colors combine? (P. 120) Primary colors of LIGHT are red, green, and blue When 3 primary colors of light are combined equally, they produce white light. Primary colors of PIGMENTS are cyan, yellow, and magenta. When 3 primary colors of pigment combine equally, they produce black.