LCLS Undulator Week@SLAC Undulator Controls Integration Network Status April 29, 2008
Agenda Accelerator Network Infrastructure supports I&C Ethernet and MPS Design Overview Cable Plant Davis Bacon Phase IV & Phase V Contracts Fiber Termination Contract Integrating with other networks: Alignment Diagnostics System Network: G. Gassner Conventional Facilities: J. Sevilla Photon Sections: G. Haller SLAC Scientific Computing and Computing Services (SCCS) centralized networking groups are helping with all networks Hired Network Associate to deliver large phaseIV network installation
Network Design Accelerator Switches reside in buildings 913 and 921 B913: UIR 1-15 B921: UIR 16-33 4 cat6 cables to each UIR: CA ethernet, power reset, console port Cat6 longhauls between service building patch panels and cat6 boxes on transition panel above racks 4 walkup stations: each walkup stations has Tap for Console On Wheels Tap for wireless antenna Other IOCs located in service buildings: MPS, BPM, etc. Fiber Trunks support ethernet switches and MPS
Davis Bacon & Fiber Contracts Phase IV: install and test cat6 longhauls LNET14 is UIR ethernet cables Loading network switches, terminal servers, patch panels into racks in B24 rack staging area Davis Bacon phaseIV moves racks to service buildings Phase V: fiber pull of trunks and jumpers from trunks LNET09 is fiber trunk and jumper pull to B913 & B921 Fiber Termination Contract: terminate and test fibers (ebeam, timing, & photon fibers Approved by SLAC Building Inspection Office Contract awarded to SASCO Site visit scheduled for April 30. Waiting on the IIPP (injury, illness, prevention plan) doc from Jim Healy (SLAC ES&H Chem & General Safety) at which time the NTP will be issued Will coordinate with phaseV fiber pull & sample test of fiber
Phase IV Cable Plant Schedule (phase 4a r12)
Phase V Fiber Installation Schedule (phase 5 r7)
Deliver Accelerator Network: Dependencies Need AC Power (Conventional Facilities) Commission Switches: after fiber pull Test sample of fiber Termination Contract: Terminate and verify Commission Switches B913 Rack 90 (undulator stack at east end of hall) B921 Rack 4 (accelerator stack at west end of hall) After cat6 longhaul installation and verification Install jumper cables to activate UIR patch panel ports on Network and Terminal Servers