Marie de France
Marie de France As far as we know, Marie de France is the first woman writer in France. Wrote in the twelfth century. Helped establish the major forms and themes of what we now call romances: novelistic narratives that deal with adventure and love. She also wrote lais, or lays, short narratives of love, adventure, and the supernatural, which are of Celtic origin.
Marie de France She wrote in Anglo-Norman, a French dialect spoken by the nobility of postconquest England. Her work conveys genuine concern for contemporary social issues, particularly the relative absence of rights for women.
Courtly Love Medieval European conception of nobly and chivalrously expressing love and admiration. Courtly love was secret and between members of the nobility. Generally not practiced between husband and wife. Condemnation of courtly love in the beginning of the 13th century by the church as heretical. Prevalence of arranged marriages required other outlets for the expression of more personal occurrences of romantic love.
Lanval Picture of Arthur’s court. Attacked from without by Picts and Scots And knights are unjust to Lanval. Arthur “apportioned wives and lands to all”, except to Lanval Knights are envious and hypocritical, because of his “valor, generosity, beauty and prowes”. Lanval – son of a king, but no inheritance.
Lanval Lanval rides out aimlessly. Discovers what is forbidden to him at the court: love, sexuality, wealth, without any effort on his part. Arthur’s court set against the otherworldy one of the damsel. Love at first sight? Concept of love and beauty from the perspective of a 12th century woman.
Lanval Does Marie see herself in the persona of the damsel? Is the description written for a male or female audience? Why keep it a secret? Can it be true? Is it perhaps a dream? Distributes wealth to everyone, unlike Arthur. How to respond to a love proposal from the queen? Taunting: I’ve heard you don’t like women, you like boys.
Lanval I already have a lover. My lover’s ugliest servant is prettier and better than you in every way. Inappropriate for a knight to disobey or shame a queen. Compare to Gawain. Barons are to pass judgment. Everyone knows Lanval is wrongly accused. But, “one should honor one’s lord in all things”. Can’t send for the beloved to defend him.
Lanval Description of the lady’s beauty. Concept of ideal beauty. Who forms the concept of female beauty in society, men or women? Let me take my coat off so you can see how beautiful I am. The queen was lying. Lanval and the lady ride off.
Laustic Two knights neighbors. One in love with the other one’s wife. She: courtly, elegant, conducts herself as custom dictated, with admirable propriety. Ideal wife. She loves the knight because he is a perfect knight, and he lives close by. Innocent love? Seeing and talking through windows. Why is the husband angry at his lady for listening to the nightingale?
Laustic What is the symbolism of the nightingale? What is the symbolism of the killing of the nightingale? “bespattered with blood, thrown on her breast”. The final fate of the nightingale.